chapter seven

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For the first time in two months, Nora black slept for more than 3 hours at a time, feeling refreshed and acted like she's been hibernating half the term. There were no nightmares of her brother leaving her or, no sitting up in her bed as tears ran down her face.

For the first time, she felt different, happier almost. There wasn't much to be happy about, especially since her cousin is still getting married, her brother is acting like a dick, and her study partner is acting depressed because he was shot down once again from the infamous red head in his head.

Touching her face and feeling how smooth it was, Nora gasped and grabbed the mirror on her bedside table and cheered with joy to know the pimple on her face was truly gone. It was about time to show some recognition from herself.

"Good morning Black you look happier today." One of the Parkinson sisters said— Nora just didn't know which one. "Oh thanks." She mumbled.

Getting out of bed and grabbing the clothes for today, Nora quickly stripped as she brushed her teeth, wanting to make her hair look presentable today. "So I heard you and Potter are study buddies." Betty Flint said, blowing on her freshly coated nails.

"Oh yeah! Tell us about that!" Cassie Carrow said, brushing out her long blonde hair and putting it into a bun. "What's there to talk about?" Nora said nervously.

Never in four years have all three girls cared to what Nora has to say, at one point they all threw themselves at her brother and acted like nothing happened.

"Well for starters, he's a hot lad." Betty wiggled her eyebrows, giggling to Cassie. "He's a lad who thinks he'll get a shot with Lily Evans." Nora rolled her eyes, feeling disgusted to even talk about this.

"The mudblood?" Cassie spat as Nora tried to not flinch. "Yeah, her." She mumbled lowly. "Well do you think Potter is cute?" Parkinson asked, turns out it was Elena Parkinson.

"No— I can't like him." Nora quickly said, "he's a blood traitor, mother would never approve." The girls laughed at Nora, taken by surprise. "Oh honey, that's a conversation for later tonight, we'll have a girls night." Betty winked at her.

What the fuck?

"Err— I have go eat, sooo." Awkwardly opening the door; the girls waved a goodbye as Nora closed it; confused as hell. "What the fuck just happened?" She asked herself, tripping over one of the steps and catching herself against the railing. 

Girls night?

Blinking uncontrollably,  Nora tried to return back to normal, making her way to the great hall. Shaking it off and not letting that moment wreck her happiness, it was soon crushed anyways seeing Damon Avery sit with her brother and Atticus, looking scared one minute then laughing a second later. His arm was around both Regulus and Evan as Barty crouch sat beside Atticus on the other side— she bit her lip and wondered what they were talking about.

"I'm telling you, he knows what he's doing towards these blood traitors and mudbloods." Avery's whispering was loud enough for Nora to clear her throat and get the boys attention. "Ah my favourite girl." Avery winked at Nora, looking her up and down. "My least favourite." She smiled sarcastically, pushing Crouch out for the way and looking at Regulus. "Soo, what are we talking about?" Nora asked the table, going silent.

"Oh— ow!" Evan tried to speak, getting kicked in the leg and rubbing it. Atticus looked at Nora and shook his head, mumbling a 'nothing' as Avery and Crouch laughed.

"Oh tell her, it's a safe space." Avery slurred, "the slytherin princess should know." He added, patting regulus to tell her. "Avery was just telling us about how we should join Tom Riddle and avenge against the m-mudbloods and how they are taking our magic...."

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