chapter forty one

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Nora Black and James Potter, what an exciting plot twist in her life, fancying a boy who took her brother, letting him start over. She didn't understand the way Sirius was thinking— nor will she ever, as much as they were twins, they were completely different.

There the brunette sat outside on the quidditch pitch, sitting next to Lupin, the two sat in silence, hearing the trees nearby sway back and forth with the wind hitting their faces, their hair being blown all over the place.

Being able to leave the hospital wing was a dream come true for Nora, after being in the wing for almost five weeks, she dramatically fell to the floor forgetting what the outside world looked like, having Madame Pomfrey roll her eyes.

Sitting in silence was her favourite pass time, however it felt different when she was sitting beside Lupin, both staring ahead at the field, hesitating to speak to one another. Nora didn't know why Lupin wanted to talk to her, knowing it would be related to the incident from five weeks ago, hoping they could just move on from that.

"How are your ribs?" Nora ended the silence with her raspy voice, clearing her throat. Lupin grabbed something out of his pocket, taking a cigarette out as he began to light one, offering Nora one.

"They're fine, I learn how to heal with the scars." Lupin dismissed, placing the cigarette on Nora's hand; letting her use it or not. Nora felt a rush of guilt hit her, almost feeling bad, awkward to say anything else.

"I'm sorry." She says sincerely, putting a strand of hair behind her ear, watching the smoke that Lupin blew into the air, the wind directing it. "Don't be, I've been this for almost 6 years at Hogwarts, I've learned to adapt."

She felt like hugging the boy; not wanting to overstep her boundary, swallowing the lump in her throat before anything saying else. She didn't want to bring up the most obvious question, pressing her lips into a fine line until she turned back around to hear Lupin say something faint yet loud enough to hear him.

"We're not speaking to him anymore. I didn't care either way, but James and Pete felt the need to distance away from him." He said, blowing more smoke out as she watches it. Nora let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, almost feeling a little bit of relief.

"Good, it was about time you four take a break from one another." Nora coughed, looking down at the cigarette in her hand still, admiring the off white colour. Lupin scoffed a laugh, turning to look at Nora with a smug smile.

"Yeah, I guess."

Nora felt herself get a little cold, zipping up her jacket, rubbing her hands together. October had come and go before she could say Merlin, winter getting closer for her. November was a love hate relationship, hating when she has a birthday shared with a monstrosity of evil, sharing the celebration that he always loved.

And now, they weren't even talking to one another. Some days Nora wanted to slap him, other days she wanted to know why he didn't come visit her or at least apologize, but she knew he wouldn't anyways.

"I'm glad you're out of the hospital, potions was getting lonely." He said to her, breaking the small silence they had. Nora gave a soft smile at the boy, nodding a thank you.

"Because of Sirius, I'm now re-talking to one of our cousins, Reggie and I may go to her house for the holidays. We aren't allowed to go home." Nora felt like she was maybe overhearing, however she didn't care; being in the presence of someone she could trust without telling them so.

"Isn't that a good thing then— or was it andromeda? The one who ran off with the muggle born?" Lupin asked, already knowing the cousin. Nora nodded at that answer, giving him a little applause for knowing that.

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