chapter forty five

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It was late, and yet she couldn't sleep, staring off into the stars, sitting in the astronomy tower by herself, wondering what she has done with her life. She felt like her life has been flipped upside down when she entered fifth year, hoping to start a clean sheet with a rebellious twin brother and a younger brother who seemed more sad than happy.

She felt more alone than usual, wishing it she could go back and redo some things, Nora would do it in a heart beat. The only consistent thing in her life was the bickering with James Potter; and it stopped the minute he wanted to fake date her, still not truly understanding what he sees in her.

Lily Evans was his sunshine, Nora always felt like she was the moon, the stars, and everything in between. Someone to be unlikable to be loved by someone with so much courage, passion and love. She and James we're two opposites, the sun and the moon, happy and sad, a Gryffindor and a Slytherin, a romance that was strictly forbidden.

It made her giddy whenever she thought of James, the way he was always gentle and caring for her, even if she was in a mood because of her brother. James always took his time with Nora, wanting her to not be claustrophobic, to be needed all the time.

She knew it bothered James, wishing he would kiss her and hold her hand in public, but it was hard for the two. She was dripping in guilt, not telling anyone about the two, solely because of being afraid of what people would say. Her grey eyes were her favourite feature of her, but it always gave away the emotion she was truly feeling.

The stars were peaceful, almost making her feel sleepy enough to stay asleep during the night, her eye lids feeling heavy. Winter had arrived, watching the snow trickle down in the moonlight, her arms covered in goosebumps due to the cold. Her pale cheeks felt a little bit of a breeze hit her gently, becoming almost pink.

Her thoughts were interrupted, the creaking sound of the wood making a noise, turning to see him with regret. Nora looked up, scooting over for him, both staring forward.

"I'm assuming you know James and Remus forgave me?" Sirius asks, fiddling with his sleeve. There came a time where Nora knew when to forgive and forget, but there was a thick line with friend and foes, Sirius was never a friend, but never a foe, just her brother. It made things more difficult, knowing Sirius and regulus were the only family she properly cared about.

"I do." She mumbled out, playing with the sleeve of her jumper. The threads were slowly being pulled out, not wanting to fiddle with it more, sighing out loud as she stared at the sun.

"Do you know how sorry I am?" Sirius asked. Nora knew she had a lot to say, turning to her brother, already looking at her. Nora took a second before speaking, Sirius ready to speak.

"I don't want to ramble, but I'm sorry o never saw you in the hospital— at least when you were awake. I'm a terrible brother for what I did to you, and Remus. There was anger, and clearly I shouldn't talk when I'm angry because it can really screw things up, especially to the sister who has loved me through all my screw ups...."

He said he didn't want to ramble.

Nora didn't mean to, but she caught him off, putting her hand on his shoulder, almost shutting him up. Nora had to figure out where she stood with her brother, staring into his eyes as he did the same, their emotions being the same.

Confused, a little scared, guilt.

"You visited me in the hospital?" She asked, coming back to the first thing she heard. "The first two days, poppy said you'll be in and out of sleeping because that's all you can really do. I wasn't allowed after because of my probation, mostly staying in the common room."

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