Chapter Nine: Having a Blast

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Gregory stepped out of the now-open elevator into a dark... supply area. Except, there weren't a lot of supplies. It was more of a wide hallway between a whole bunch of different doors and thin hallways leading between rooms. When he went to investigate the rooms, he found they were the lame food stands in "Salads and Sides". At least that meant he was back in the atrium!

Roxy still patrolled the atrium. This time she was far away. So, he slipped out into the dark floor and crept past the shops until he got to a set of shutters barring the rest of the atrium from a well-lit attraction.

The shutters opened.

His shoes fell upon the purple, cosmic carpet. A huge rocket ship statue dominated the center area, while alien ships scattered around the fringes too high up for Gregory to climb–including a Ferris Wheel one with UFOs instead of seats. A small shop with stairs leading atop it sat to the right side. Although there was a hallway to the right, it stopped due to a construction sign. A S.T.A.F.F. bot standing before the elevator blocked his entry.

Roxy growled and looked around the small lobby. When he didn't immediately appear within her sights, she turned and stalked off and called for his attention again.

The boy took a deep breath. He marched up to the S.T.A.F.F. bot before the elevator that immediately barred him entry. The boy showed it the Party Pass, which the bot took. It tossed a bunch of confetti in the air with a short dance and then promptly ignored him. Gregory walked inside.

He strode into an alien-centric elevator and pressed the entry button.

The elevator quietly went down.


Eventually, the other door opened, and Gregory strode out into the room whose major light source was the absurd amount of neon lights. Space and aliens scattered about the fairly dark room along with pictures of the glamrocks in space suits with laser guns. In a shop to the left behind a rocket, there was merchandise on shelves and clothes hung up and a few ATM machines sat against the wall. He couldn't find any food around, not even snacks. Chica must really be a problem if they were this strict about food.

To the right of the elevator stood a glass case with awards and a sign-up desk before it. Between the desk and a whole few rows of arcade cabinets was a blue futuristic door that slid up when Gregory approached. A bathroom sign with Freddy's and Chica's symbols stamped on them was above it. The desk beside that was also cluttered with things, including a black security cap and some walkie-talkies. What would happen if... Gregory put on that hat?


Nothing. They would know he wasn't a security guard. The only human security guard was Officer Vanessa, probably. Oh well. Though, the thought of wearing the biggest red flag he'd search for when out and about did cause him to chuckle. He popped the cap on his head and brushed some of his hair to the side to keep it out of his eyes. He had to tip the hat back so he could see properly, but otherwise, it fit... okay.

From behind the desk, he caught sight of two doors on the opposite wall. One said "NO ENTRY" while the other had a security badge above it. Gregory ran around to the "NO ENTRY" door. There wasn't exactly a scanner, so it probably wasn't an employee door. Darn. A small "L" shaped hallway was behind the other door, with one door inside leading to a bathroom with a single toilet.

Further down the hall was a metal door with another Security Badge sign beside it.

The room went dark as soon as he entered.

"Gregory!" Freddy's voice chimed in immediately. "They know you are here! Get the security upgrade and get out!"

Gregory found the little security Freddy head and pressed its nose. As it slowly opened, he searched the small room. A duffle bag with a chip talking about hiding Monty Mystery Mix in ice cream storage was there. An empty pizza box stood out amongst the clutter. Too bad it was empty. However, there was a cyan and lavender bowling ticket on it.

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