Chapter Fifteen: Let's Rock!

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Well, it was past six AM, so the lights weren't about to go out every hour.

With Chica and Roxy snatched from Vanny's grasp, they just needed to get Monty. After that... well... either it was confront Vanny or drag Sun down here to get disconnected from the main network and put into Safe Mode. After their last encounter, however, going to the Daycare was the last thing he wanted to do.

Gregory walked.

The elevators whirred and elevator music sang dimly above them.

Upon stepping out of the elevator, Gregory found his path through the balcony needed a few tweaks.

Gregory stepped closer to Freddy and looked up and down the path. A handful of S.T.A.F.F. bots now patrolled the floor. He scurried to the stairs, head down and shoulders up so he hid in his hoodie and hat and looked out into the atrium. He couldn't see Roxy or Chica. He did see another half dozen S.T.A.F.F. bots rolling around the atrium.

He found a path around the main floor rather quickly, though he had to stop or dodge the occasional S.T.A.F.F. bot.

He another pair of shutters on the wall to the far east facing the back of a jungle-esc giant platform-slash-board. "Come Back SOON!" scrawled in gold lettering on a white panel.

A whole different world lay beyond the shutters.

A green carpet with Monty's symbol covered the floor, though a river of darker carpet separated by a silver line wound through the left. A huge golf ball with golf balls cut in half surrounding it stood front and center. A giant fake planter with dark green shrubbery popped up to the left. More fake plants–mostly trees but some bushes–overshadowed the ground and elevator. A set of stairs went up on the right of the elevator but didn't go anywhere Gregory needed and thus did not get his attention.

He strode up to the elevator, where a white S.T.A.F.F. bot with purple accents held a dark sign with electronic orange Helpy head and some writing on it. When Gregory got close, it held up its hand to stop him. Gregory presented the golden party pass, which the bot immediately took. It popped some confetti in the air, did a small dance, and then went to ignoring him.

Gregory walked past it to the elevator. He considered bringing Freddy, but as Gregory might need to take down Monty, he didn't want to risk an interruption that could lead to Freddy getting hurt or Gregory missing his chance.

Monty's gruff voice exclaimed, "Welcome to Monty's Gator Golf–home of the Hurricane Hole in One! We are currently closed for the night. Come back soon!"

Well, stop me. Gregory looked around at a couple of posters and leafy vines drooping from the ceiling. They really liked their fake plants, didn't they?

Freddy chimed in, "Look for the Security Office in the back hallway. Since there is no flash photography allowed in Monty Golf, Faz Cams are often confiscated here. Mainly because they are only sold in Monty Golf. It is a very clever marketing plan."

A long eventually later, the elevators opened.

Gregory blinked, hesitating for half a second before leaving. The black carpeted balcony before him, ringed with a green guard rail, announced the minigolf course's name. A few baby strollers and what looked like an ice cream cart settled there. Beyond the balcony, a whole swamp-themed mini-golf course stretched out with hanging plants attached to the catwalks and cross beams over the entire place.

He ran up to the guard rails and looked out over the room. Mini golf courses were set up throughout the place. Green paths with guard rails wound like snakes through the overcrowded room. A house sitting above a round ball pit stood at the center-left. A couple of security S.T.A.F.F. bots wandered in long circuits on either side of the golf course, but Gregory could probably avoid them. Though another ran on a shorter circuit near the snacks and bathroom building. A stage was set up at the end and above that, through leaves and vines Gregory could hardly see, was a giant bucket and a "Hurricane HOLE-In-ONE" sign above it with Monty's symbol. A real moat with fake alligators popping out and growling rung the place.

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