Chapter Sixteen: Fixed and Broken

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Freddy was very quick to get to them. He expressed some shock upon seeing Monty, but after Gregory pointed up at the catwalk, he nodded in understanding and picked Monty up by the shoulders. The gator's head lolled back and rested against Freddy's forearm. Gregory forged ahead, diligently holding Monty's purple star-shaped glasses and one arm.

The protective cylinder in Parts and Services opened. Monty did wake up, but by that point, he'd been dragged into the protective cylinder and the computer shut him off again. Freddy backed off immediately. Gregory ran around to the computer stationed outside and pressed a button to turn it on.

"Welcome to Parts and Service. Please select your desired procedure," declared the bot. A list of upgrades showed, but Gregory wasn't quite sure he wanted to upgrade Monty. Gregory pressed the down arrow and it flipped to the next screen. The computer announced, "Preparing for repair procedure." A pause. "You may now enter the protective cylinder."

Gregory forged into the cylinder he'd previously used to help fix Freddy. Something else was done to him that Gregory had not been around to see, but the bot told him what needed to be done before, right?

The robot said, "It seems that Monty is under the weather. We can fix that later. For right now, we can focus on the arm. To access the endoskeleton, we must first open Monty's arm casing. Please remove the arm casing."

The boy looked him over and tried to pry his fingers beneath the warped plate. The metal wouldn't budge.

"Oh no," the robotic voice continued with little emotion. "It looks like Monty's shell is too damaged to open. Let's try again."

Gregory took a step back as one of the robotic arms swooped down and cut open the latches with a laser. Another arm picked up the broken plate and set it down.

"It is time to disconnect the broken endoskeleton. Disconnect the colored cables to remove the old endoskeleton pieces. It is important that you match the pattern correctly."

The boy moved around to see the broken parts of Monty's endoskeleton more easily. Beams and wires crossed his vision. However, in the elbow, he saw some warped or broken metal. A few wires connected them to the rest of the animatronic. A few buttons near the wires flashed their appropriate colors. Nervous but committed, Gregory poked the buttons in the order commanded of him. Individual wires–some broken, but most intact–popped out. The buttons darkened once pressed, losing their color. Eventually, once all the wires had been taken out, the bot congratulated him, and a laser arm came down and removed the broken joint. The arm set down a piece of metal resembling the joint and welded it into place.

"With the new joint inserted, please reconnect the colored wires."

The dark buttons flashed with color and glowed again once pressed. A few of the wires were still broken, but as he had no idea what to do with them, he left them alone.

"Great job. Now close the casing."

Gregory looked up, confused. What ca–oh! He stepped back as a robotic arm picked up the new casing from the floor and stuck it into place, just narrowly missing Gregory's fingers as it did so. Another arm came down with a pad on it. Four colored buttons popped out of this one in a diamond pattern.

"Good job. Now use the testing console to run diagnostics and complete the procedure."

The buttons flashed in a repeated order, starting with one and then two and continuing until a pattern of five flashed. Each button caused Monty to twitch a specific finger.

"Testing phase complete. There is no need to fix the other arm as the auto bot did it for you. Scanning for irregularities."


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