Chapter Nineteen: Cupcakes and Needles

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Gregory hid under one of the metal counters in the dark kitchen. While some light flickered above, the room could not be considered bright enough to work in. In fact, it was barely light enough to traverse safely.

Good thing Gregory already knew the kitchen pretty well.

He found two pairs of feet behind the other end of the counter–yellow bird feet and pale jester shoes with a bell on the curled tip and celestial bodies imprinted on either side of the heels. The pair of bird feet moved as the chicken animatronic walked around the counter.

Gregory scooted back and curled up into himself.

Something that smelled very good clinked onto the counter above him. "Oh, these look so good~!" Chica trilled. "They're so pretty! You're the best at decorating!"

"Th-thank you. I am sure you have done much better."

"I've been baking for as long as I've been active, Moon. You only started, like, a week ago. Oh! Oh, I have the best idea! Why don't you head the cake baking tomorrow?"

Gregory peered over the counter and grabbed one of the cupcakes. He could barely see its color–pink and purple? No, pink and blue–but he did see the sprinkles and the small swirly designs on it.

"Me? I thought you always did that."

"Yeah. But you're really good. I'll take stuff out of the oven since I know you don't like the heat. But otherwise, I think you'll make a great baker!"

Gregory finished off that one fairly quickly and grabbed another. Although he would usually not even attempt such a mission–Moon and Sun both were programmed to know the children's locations and weren't fooled by hiding–he knew tonight was the perfect opportunity. Moon always got distracted while baking with Chica. Though Gregory was here for more than cupcakes. But it's not like he'd forget it while eating cupcakes.

"That is very kind of you, Chica. But I am not quite so sure. Do the bakers here not make the birthday cakes?"

"Most of the time they do. But sometimes they get orders ahead or receive them overnight and I'm allowed to cook those. There might be some more orders backlogged that we could look through. What do you think of that?"

"That would be nice. Thank you."

"Oh, that's so good to hear! But hmm... we already finished the cupcakes tonight. What do you want to do now?"

"I am unsure. What is there we can do?"

Gregory grabbed a third cupcake. Why was Moon asking? Surely, he knew the place enough by now to know what they could do. He was no longer restricted to the Daycare all night, after all. Mr. Remington made sure of that. That was, with convincing from Officer Vanessa who was complying with Gregory probably because she felt sorry she almost killed him. Or maybe Moon was referencing what everyone else was doing? That would make sense. Monty didn't like Sun or Moon–mostly Moon–and something had Roxy all riled up with unusual amounts of sarcastic energy. They both claimed it was because Moon and Chica spent too much time together. Gregory couldn't figure out why. They never complained about Freddy hanging out with Gregory, which they did all the time! All the time they could, anyhow. Gregory also hung out with Sun and Moon a lot and they didn't say anything about that. Adults were weird. If robots could be adults.

Speaking of friends, Mr. Remington was bringing his kids over before his shift tomorrow. He had a girl his age and teenage twin sons, all of whom still really liked Sun and Moon. As Gregory would be counted among them, he'd get to go all day playing the arcade and sticking his tongue out at security, and convincing Officer Vanessa that random arcade cabinets ate their coins. He'd already promised to show Mary how he got into Freddy's room. Even though they had only met once before, Gregory knew she had to be cool. Her brothers thought so, and so did Sun and Moon.

So distracted by his thoughts, Gregory skipped over whatever they were saying and went for a fourth cupcake. But when he reached for one, he didn't find it. He patted the now empty counter.

Gregory nearly jumped out of his skin as he felt a hand grab his wrist.

He sighed and got up so that he peered over the counter. Moon held onto Gregory's hand from across the counter and Chica crossed her arms. The mechanics fixed Chica after Freddy, and she wasted no time in going back to "normal". She didn't eat trash, anymore, which was a good sign.

Moon stated, "Gregory, it is much too late for you to be awake."

Chica chipped in, "How many of those did you eat? They were going to be for everyone!"

Gregory wiped off his face with his sleeve and smiled sheepishly. "Uh, not that many. Heh. I-I can, uh... well! I was looking for you!"

Moon tipped his head. "We were not under the counter."

Gregory got to his feet. Moon let go. Gregory went on, "Figured that out! Yep! No one's hiding under the counter. But I got something for you, Moon."

"Oh? What is so important that it could not wait until the morning?"

Gregory rifled through his bag and brought out his Moon plush, the one he'd managed to take from the underground Moon cult. "So, remember how you guys–er, Sun mostly–was learning sewing with me? Well, here! I fixed it!"

Moon gently took it in his hands and looked it over. "You fixed its eye."

"Yep! I mean, mostly. It's kind of a crappy job. You can't see its eye anymore or anything. But it stopped losing stuffing! It's not broken anymore."

Moon gently ran his thumb over the newer stitching. It was wobbly and uneven, the mark of an amateur who couldn't sit still very well. "Thank you, Gregory. This is very kind of you. You did well for a young sewer."

Gregory grinned. "Thanks!"

Chica cooed, "Oh, that's so adorable! You're getting super good, Gregory!"

Moon nodded but said nothing further.

Chica looked at Moon and then back at Gregory. "You still ate our cupcakes. Buuuuut, I think we can forget you did that if you help with the next batch."

Gregory gasped, "Oh! Can I? Please?" He turned to Moon for permission.

Moon nodded. "Yes, you may. Although you should be asleep, you are trying to fix a mistake and I will allow that."

Chica clapped her hands in front of her beak. "This is going to be so fun! First thing's first! Some aprons are hanging up on that wall. Then a good chef always washes their hands."

Gregory did have fun baking with Chica and Moon. He got his own apron–a freshly cleaned one from a closet that was much too big for him. Though, Moon's didn't quite fit right either, so Gregory didn't mind.

He insisted he wasn't tired and sometimes had to repeat it to himself internally. But, by the time Chica pulled the cupcakes out of the oven, Gregory was barely paying any attention to anything. Moon carried him back to the naptime room this time. Gregory kind of wanted to go back to Freddy's green room and sleep on the couch. Since an overnight birthday was planned with Freddy and Monty tomorrow, Gregory would not get the chance for a few days. But he figured there was no arguing with Moon. Maybe he would like to sleep in an actual bed, too. On top of that, he was asleep by the time Moon commanded the elevator they were in to go up.

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