Date: 30/5, Mon

12 0 0

  We keep on rehearsing until our choral speaking teacher is satisfied. 'Well done, girls!' She applauds. 'Much better than last time, I'm proud of all of you.' A bored smile. 'Time for a break, you girls can have free time until lunch.'

We have to share a room with orchestra members backstage at AC Hall. Playing their instruments, they produce large amounts of noise. They finally turn silent as Chief Principal starts her long speech. 'Is she trying to scare the parents away?' An orchestra member jokes across the room.

Taking turns to get our cat makeup on, I nearly sneeze from inhaling powder. Looking in a mirror hanging on a wall, whiskers and a black nose make me look... less of a human and more of a freaky stray kitten . Basically, I need foundation to hide my face. Waiting to perform behind lowered curtains for an hour and a half is boring. The main curtains lower once more as a backstage helper beckons us to get ready. As I get into the starting position, a few co-cats whisper their need to relieve themselves, delaying the show for two minutes. Two minutes to consider faking a migraine.

After the toilet break, we strike our cat poses. Curtains rise, signalling us to step up. I squint while my eyes register the brightness. The area is dark, but those balls of white lights in the audience section. Wow, they sure are blinding. The audience views us in utter silence... then begin laughing. A co-cat at the edge of the stage counts to three and we begin.

Letting muscle memory take charge, I move and chorus in sync with my co-cats. As our smooth performance swiftly nears the end, one co-cat is supposed to lead us offstage gracefully. Instead, she turns her head and asks us 'Are we supposed to leave or what?' Some co-cats motion her to start walking. She does and we go backstage the way we went onstage.

An emcee walks towards the spotlight, he skims his note card and booms. 'May I present Principal to give a token of appreciation.' Chief Principal appears seconds later, holding a box in gold wrapping paper.

Leaving in a coach, our teacher tells us that she's proud of us and that we are one of the best groups she has ever seen. I doubt her sincerity, especially when she's said similar words to other choral speaking groups. 'Guess what's inside.' She shakes it, producing a bunch of muffled thuds. 'I'll distribute these soon, whatever these are.'


Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (^rapidly bats eyelashes nonstop) Do I get your vote? 

I know this chapter is short, and some others too,  buuuuuuttttt I do have longer chapters -like prom nite- and a new character in store.  Thanks for sticking around, guys.

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