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cw: language, mention of sex, slight panic


The sun had just set by the time they made it back to Corpus Christi.

Leo drove the girls to his house while London dropped Kush, then Dee off.

When they got to Dee's house, there was an extra car in the driveway, but he was too tired to notice.

He walked into a lively household, immediately getting a headache. He lazily greeted his family, not even realizing that his older brother was home.

He walked straight to his bedroom, ready to flop onto his bed before noticing a small pink blanket and the sleeping infant beneath it. He smiled softly as he approached her.

"Hey, Muffin," he said softly, carefully lifting her into his arms.

She fussed calmly in her sleep but relaxed again when he laid down with her on his chest. She cooed softly, suckling at her pacifier as he rubbed her back.

Within minutes, he was asleep, too.

He woke up a hour later to the four month old inching her way up his chest to curiously slap at his face.

He kissed her hands when they landed on his lips. "Hey, pretty girl," he smiled.

She babbled senselessly, putting her hand over his mouth again. She waited for him to kiss it and giggled the moment he did, moving her hand to his cheek before repeating the process.

She kicked her legs, fussing softly before stretching out and stiffening dramatically.

"Muffin, is you shitting?" he asked in a baby voice.

"Her diaper bag in my room. Give her a bath and change her, then bring her in the kitchen," his brother instructed through the baby monitor.

"I ain't sign up for all that," he sighed.

"Yes, you did."

Maegan immediately started crying when she finished. He got up with her and her blanket and went to his brother's room. Laying the blanket down first, he gently placed her on her back and unbuttoned her onsie.

She cried dramatically as he undressed her.

"I know, Muffin. I know. I wouldn't wanna lay in my own shit either," he said, cleaning her up as much as possible with the diaper before grabbing the wipes.

Her screams only got louder when the wipes touched her.

He pouted, "I know, mamas. They make 'em so cold. Don't they know don't nobody want a cold booty?"

He put the dirty wipes in the diaper, sealed it, and threw it away, then took her to the bathroom where her miniature tub was already set up.

He ran her bath water then sat her in it, instantly calming her down. She cooed softly as he cleaned her up.

"Oh, my goodness! Look at them cheeks!" he said in a baby voice before leaning in to bounce rapid kisses off chubby cheeks.

She turned to look at him just as he pulled away.

"Wanna gimme kisses? Mwah!" he said, pecking her wet mouth.

She giggled, so he did it again. She babbled and reached for him. He leaned in again and puckered. This time she held his face and smashed her mouth against his lips, but—not actually understanding how to kiss—she only licked at his lips. He snorted and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.

"Aye, no french kissing til you're forty," he scolded as she giggled and bounced.

He finished her bath then washed her hair, dried her off, and gently brushed her gums.

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