Chapter 2.Are we princesses?!

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- What?! – we shouted with one voice.- But how?!
- I remember our dad perfectly, and he very rarely left us! – I was really scared. – How could he do royal duties in such a short period of time?!
- I don't know, children. But this fact was, and is, and will be. Your parents are the king and queen, and you are young princesses.
And then started something really weird: Leah started running around the office like crazy, I just stood and stared at one point with an absent look, my uncle constantly ran after my sister, trying to calm her down.
However, all this was interrupted when someone knocked on the door of the office.
- Come in! - Uncle shouted towards the door.- And you, girls, try to calm down.
The door opened and a man we didn't know in an elegant black suit came into the room.
- Hello, I am Nikolas Belikov, the official representative of the Royal School.
Just now I noticed on his tuxedo a small badge with the inscription "Royal School".
- Let me take these girls.
My sister and I looked at each other and understood each other without words.
- But we're not ready yet! - Leah and I shouted in unison. - Give us half an hour and we'll go.
- But...
- No buts! – Uncle Andrew joined the conversation. – These are young princesses, and you must obey them. If they want it that way, so be it.
- Listen, I will not obey them, since they haven't graduated from school, haven't taken the throne and are not officially princesses. I'll give you 10 minutes, girls, and if you don't show up, I'm leaving. Go on.
And then we rushed with all our might into the rooms, pushing everyone in our way. We came back about 15 minutes later, and Nikolas was no longer in the office.
- What, has he already left?! – either offended, or upset, Leah asked our uncle.- Oof!
- No, he said he is waiting for you at the carriage,– our uncle replied.
- Oh, I see... - I started, but then I realized what he said.- Wait, at the carriage? AT THE CARRIAGE?!
- Well, yes. Girls, hurry up, otherwise he will definitely leave.
- Uncle, will you come with us? - Leah suddenly asked.
- I would like to, but I can't. I'm not one of royals, even though I am your mother's brother. Only persons of noble origin are allowed there.
Leah was visibly upset.
Still in a state of shock from what was happening, we went to the courtyard. As soon as we got out, we almost immediately noticed a bright large golden-colored carriage. Leah ran first, I was a little behind her. We got into the carriage and set off.

The Royal CrownOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant