Chapter Forty-one: Making a Move

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On a bright Sunday afternoon, Peter heard a knock by his bedroom door. It was not Seren, much to his disappointment.

The duke entered. He went straight to the point. "Thank you for saving me, Peter."

"It was no bother, Your Grace."

The duke gave a hum of acknowledgement, though Peter knew he did not really believe that it was not a bother. "I will make sure that everything turns out fine. Thus, you may, in fact, leave for your village now, though I'm sure you would want to speak to the duchess before leaving. She's in her guest bedroom." He turned to leave.

"Do you disapprove?" Peter blurted.

"I trust that your intentions are genuine." And he left.

Peter adjusted his coat and straightened his shirt before practically running out the door. He headed for the duchess' bedroom. It was improper, but he had to get his words out. However, he met her in the hallway.

Hesitantly, he said, "Your Grace, perhaps you could take a turn in the gardens with me?"


A very short chapter lol but I'll be posting the rest of the story tomorrow!!

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