A Faulty AIM

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Our story begins with large sirens sounding off from a research lab belonging to the company known as Advanced Idea Mechanics, or AIM for short. Multiple yellow and black mechs adorning the company’s logo were being mobilized, and the loudspeakers announced that the facility was being attacked. Close by a teen girl wearing a white and black spider-themed suit was swinging next to another girl wearing high-tech armor as the AIM-bots tried to shoot them down. “Well, looks like we lost the element of surprise here… Hope Coulson doesn't yell our ears off about this.” The girl in the pink, gold, and black armor as she fires a set of repulsor blasts at the enemy AIM-Bots. 
Though, the two’s thoughts were taken away from the future lecture from Coulson as Marcy was knocked to the ground by a red-colored cyborg, appearing from a portal generated from a technological grid structure before it fired a rocket from its chest piece. Marcy braced herself for the oncoming missile as her armor created an energy shield from the glowing item within the armor’s chest piece. Yet, an intense shockwave forced this missile off course and into a crowd of AIM-Bots below. 
“Nice try, Sektor. You won’t be hurting my friends that easily, bucket of bolts.” Shouted a blonde teen wearing a SHIELD Suit and specialized gauntlets to assist with her abilities. This was the Inhuman Heroine Sasha Waybright, also known as Quake. 
Though, Sektor was unimpressed by the young adult as it scoffed at her. “If you wish to stand in the way of The Scientist Supreme and her latest project. You will have to go through me and my soldiers.” The Cyborg announced as he linked his cybernetic interface with the other AIM-Bots around him, their eyes all now glowing the same bright blue that came from Sektor’s own eyes.
AIM had recently obtained what was believed to be a mystical artifact and was attempting to take the power within it. It wasn’t the first time that Monica Rappiccini had tapped into forces beyond her understanding. This led to a few of their Agents possessing their own set of Magical powers like Skarlet and Noob Saibot. Skarlet was a master of Blood Magic and Bi-Han was irreverently morphed into a Shadow Wraith under AIM’s control. This was achieved by AIM’s Co-Founder, Quan Chi. A powerful Necromancer and with the combined technological might of The Scientist Supreme, AIM had become a dangerous foe for The Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement And Logistic Division. An Organization which specializes in anomalous powers, acting as the Shield between Society and the far weirder world around it.
Over the years, SHIELD has grown since its founding years. Developing incredible advances with technology and allying with the mystical groups such as The Lin Kuei as well as The Shirai Ryu, two rival ninja clans from the Ancient Era of Japan. Indeed, Earth has grown in odd and unique ways that most of the world isn’t aware of. Yet, lately, the rate of Supers has grown unexpectedly. SHIELD has recorded various incidents of Superhumans such as a Witch Woman accompanied by a Saiyan Warrior back in the mid-1990s. After all, the fact that the two managed to beat up members of a biker gang with magic and chi doesn’t exactly go unnoticed unless SHIELD’s Director says so. Even now, Coulson and his team of Agents were soaring above the battle in their base of operations and air transport known as the BUS. The Bus, a specialized Boeing C-17 Globemaster III modified, served as an 'Airborne Mobile Command Station' for Agent Coulson's personal S.H.I.E.L.D. team. The Team itself consisted of Agents Melinda May, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Gabe Reyes, and an agent only named Mr X.
Inside the AIM Research Facility, Monica was groaning in irritation as she did her best to lock down the laboratory before anyone could enter. “Why do SHIELD and their crew of amateur heroes always have to get in the way of progress?!” AIM’s Lead Scientist proclaimed in pure frustration. Within the room, Monica was accompanied by Quan Chi and two other Agents dubbed as Yellow Jacket and Abomination.
The Sorcerer gave out a small chuckle as he looked towards the machine that holds a small box, engraved with three gemstones that glowed with Pink, Green, and Cyan Energy that were being drawn into the machine it was encased in. “People often fear what they do not understand, Ms Rappiccini. At least we can look past that fear in service to the world.” Quan Chi Remarked before the two saw on the monitor that The Ghost Rider was tearing through Sektor’s Robotic Soldiers with his Hellfire Chains. Quan Chi was clearly enraged by this new player, being one of his greatest mistakes. He recalled that dreaded deal with Robbie Reyes and merging his souls with the Spirit of Vengeance to save his younger brother. “How long until we are ready to proceed with the project at hand, Ms Rappiccini?” Questioned The Sorcerer as he slowly became nervous that their plans would be foiled once again. 
Upon this, Monica went over to the machine and commenced with the final preparations. However, as she did this, the metal doors that guarded the room were broken down as the AIM Agent Taskmaster was defeated by The Spider-Woman, Anne herself. Monica turned to the rookie heroine with a smudged smile as Yellow Jacket and Abomination readied themselves for battle. “I was wondering when you would be showing up.” The Mad Scientist remarked as she held up a small remote. “You won’t be stopping us this time, child. All I have to do is press this little button and we will have the power this antic box holds within.” Taunted Monica as Quan Chi was pleased by this.
Thinking quickly, as well as a bit reckless, Anne used her web shooter to launch a metal shard from the broken security door towards the Machine which housed the box before anyone could react and Monica activated the machine. She hoped this would shut down the machine before it was turned on, but this didn’t happen. Instead, the Machine began to grow out of control before a massive surge of energy engulfed the facility, those that were outside, and even The Bus within the air.
Anne woke up from a daze as she rubbed her head from a migraine as she looked around. “What the hell happened?” The Late Teen questioned before she began to realize that she was no longer in the AIM Facility. Hell, it didn’t even look like she was even in San Francisco anymore as she saw a swamp-like environment surrounding her yet was completely foreign to what she knew about swamps. The Floral Life was larger and seemed to be far more nourished too. She got up and examined the area with a shocked expression on her face. “Looks like I’m not in Kansas anymore…” Anne half-heartedly joked before her foot hit something. Upon looking at what it was, Anne saw the box that AIM was experimenting on. Yet, the gems were drained of energy. As if it was gone as she picked it up to look at it closer. ‘How am I gonna get back home now?’ She wondered while trying to set up camp for now.
Tyrik: So, in case anyone was wondering why are there Mortal Kombat Characters in this story. Since this world is indeed connected to the story When Saiyans and Witches Collide as well as Marvel does bring in the magical element that I deem important to express. Though... I see Magic Character like Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch to be a bit too overpowered for this. Therefore I went with Mortal Kombat characters. Also due to a review from a reader on The Fanfiction Website, this will be setting up a later event with one of Amphibia's Villain as the main villain to be combated by a team of Supers. Let's say that this character will obtain powers that put them on par with The King of Latveria. I hope that you enjoy this story and the crazy World this is becoming. I can't believe this AU has grown as much as it has and enjoying it too. Until Next Time! Peace Out!

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