Status Update

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Hello fans & followers of The Earth-7897 AU! You may have been wondering why the AU has been placed on hold for quite some time now... There is a list of reasons, or you can them pathetic excuses if you want, for why was the occurrence.

Reason One: I have been able to finally develop my Novel Series dubbed The Flow of Arcane on Wattpad. Through the app, I was able to declare that all current writing for the First Novel, Myths Come to Life, is copyrighted and therefore can not be taken by anyone else. The novel was an idea that was stuck inside my thoughts since I was in Middle School and only recently have I been able to write it out. The story is a Sci-Fi Fantasy story where the main character Tyrik Kage was brought to see a magic show starring his IRL Waifu, Esmeralda Ravenna, by his best friend Ricky Santos. Though, the events which follow begin to show that he was secretly connected to the World of Mythics within various myths. Major Companies like Gibbs Industries and The White Star Corporation, which was an original concept of mine, begins to explore a form of energy known as Arcane Energy.

Reason Two: I was waiting for The Owl House to finish. I wanted to make sure I could do all the necessary research on the aspects of the AU without interruption. Which means watching Agents of SHIELD, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Amphibia, Dragon Ball Z/Super, and The Owl House. I do care about the lore of each aspect of the AU, even if not all details within the AU will be the same as their cannon counterpart. After all, I want to bring about surprises for the AU and make Earth-7897 its own storyline.

Reason Three and the worse of them: I was a bit distracted by new games like Marvel: The Midnight Suns, Sonic Frontier, and Destiny 2's Lightfall expansion. Which did keep me from doing things that I probably should have been doing.

With all of this laid out, I would like to announce that the upcoming chapter for When Saiyans & Witches Collide will be put out this Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. While I am at it, I do want to request that if you truly enjoy the story of Earth-7897. Please do check out my story The Flow of Arcane: Myths Come to Life. I have put as much passion into my own series as I have done with Earth-7897. Would absolutely love to hear your thoughts about the series!

Supers, Magic, & Frogs!? Oh My! Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon