A Demon Among Frogs: Finale

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Anne and Sprig were making their way through the forest with the list of items they needed to provide with the Woodsmithy so he can create a new wheelchair for Gabe. Though, Anne's Spider-Sense began to flare as Anne searched for the hidden threat that was close by. "Uh... What's the matter, Anne? There isn't anything around here." Sprig announced with confusion about Anne's actions before a Wraith Clone sprang out of nowhere swinging its sickle towards the magenta frog. Thankfully Anne was quick to use her webbing to counter the attempt from Noob Saibot.

A demon chuckle rang out as Noob walked through a shadow portal as he glared at the two. "Impressive reflexes as always spider. Where is Reyes girl?" Questioned The Wraith as he narrowed his eyes in a threatening manner as Saibot created more Shadows to fight alongside him. "You know that you don't have a chance to stand up against me along, Spider. Tell me what I want to know and I may just spare you as well as your slimy friend here." Saibot declared as he remove the sickle from his right shoulder and readied himself for battle.

'Its mucus dumbass...' Sprig announced in his thoughts, but from what he could tell from Anne. Saibot was not lying that she was outclassed by The Wraith before them. Yet before Saibot could attack the pair, a chain engulf with flames gripped his right wrist and forced Saibot to drop the weapon he possessed. With that, Sprig came to see a demonic entity with a metallic skull burning with flames unlike what was natural. "Holy Damn! He Looks So Awesome!!!" Sprig shouted aloud as he saw The Ghost Rider for the first time.

"Get Sprig away from here, Anne. I'll deal with the bastard..." The Rider declared with a demonic voice that frighten the young amphibian. Anne nor Sprig needed to be told twice to leave before the Wraith began to do battle with the Demon. "I knew it would be a matter of time for you to show your face. It is about time that I reap Vengeance upon your blackened and rotten soul, Bi-Han." Declared the Rider as he began to spin his Hell Chains with inhuman speeds.

However, Noob just simply chuckled mockingly at the Rider as he paced around the Demon before him. "That name is dead, Rider. You made that so, brat. However, Quan Chi made me far stronger than our last encounter. I have no soul to be burned by your Hell Fire and I will make sure I enjoy tearing you and your weakling of a host into shreds." The Wraith declared before his Shadows began to charge towards the Rider as he responded with his Hell Chains. Burning his Shadow with a swing through their bodies before Noob Saibot teleported from underneath The Rider, sending his Sickle into his chest and throwing him through a portal before conjuring a ball of ghostly energy to deal heavy damage onto the demon. With that, The Rider went through a massive stone and shattering through it with incredible force.

The Rider growled in rage as he send multiple Hell Chains at Noob Saibot as the Wraith used his Sickle to deflect each Chain before attempting to use another portal to land a surprise attack on the Demon that he combated with. Yet Noob Saibot came to realize that he was glued in place with Anne's webbing as she used both webs and super strength to through a large piece of the boulder into the Wraith. "I am not gonna let you fight that thing alone, Robbie. Just make sure you keep that demon under control as I help you out." Anne stated with clear signs she won't be changing her mind to the dismay of both Robbie and The Rider.

Noob Saibot glared at the two with rage as he shoved the stone off of himself with one arm. "You wretch... I will enjoy slaughtering the both of you slowly and painfully." The Wraith promised as he summoned more Shadows to fight alongside him. As the battle rages on, Sprig hid behind a moldy log as he tried to figure out how could he help the two. Though, his options were limited due to him not having much fighting experience and being armed with only a slingshot. 'How the hell could I help them? I can't just sit back and let them fight that thing by themselves...' Sprig declared in his thoughts. He already lost his parents, he would not sit by and let his first set of friends die. Yet there was some degree of hope for the young frog as he saw the log growing a few sets of glowing troops of mushrooms. Some glowed with a white aura as it seemed to freeze some of the wood upon the log. Another had a flaming aura as another sparked with yellow and electricity. This caused an old memory to spark in Sprig's mind as he recalled how his mother was showing him some mushrooms that housed elemental properties within a book. With that, Sprig plucked one of the Frost-shrooms and used the slingshot to fire it toward Noob Saibot.

Upon contact, Noob Saibot yelled out in pain as the mushroom began to freeze him rapidly as ice formed on his body. "How about you have a taste of some mushrooms ghost man!" Sprig announced with a cocky smile as both Anne and The Rider was a bit surprised by Sprig's ingenuity to the dismay of The Wraith. Sprig had a small pouch of the elemental mushrooms as ammo for his slingshot.

Anne laughed a bit before announcing, "We are gonna work on your one-liners later. That one wasn't that great pal." Noob Saibot however became irritated by this turn of events. He knew the Rider would be easily drawn to his location if he attacked Robbie's friends upon learning that they were now close by. Yet, he was not expecting this pathetic swamp world to be filled with heroes like Earth was. It didn't help that he no longer had any of his ice abilities as a Wraith. With a thrust of his right arm, Saibot shattered the ice that formed on his body in frustration. "What now, Noobie? Think you can take on all three of us or are you gonna run crying?" Anne remarked before Noob Saibot indeed took the time to retreat.

"Boo Ya! We showed that ghost thing who's Boss!" Sprig announced before the pain from the frostshroom began to take place. "Shock... I forgot that these shrooms can hurt due to their elemental effects." The Magenta frog stated as he saw his hand suffering from frostbite before The Rider used his flame to heal the frostbite as he reverted into Robbie.

"That was reckless, kid... You are worse than Anne here." The Older Reyes scolded Sprig with crossed arms, "Though... How did you know those mushrooms could do that?" Robbie questioned with a raised eyebrow with interest.

Sprig laughed a bit as he smiled, "My mom taught me about these special Mushrooms. These are Blast-shrooms, Frost-shrooms, and Electro-shrooms." The young amphibian explained as he showed the three colored mushrooms. "Their names make it obvious of what they can do. Never really thought that they could actually be used as mini grenades though..." He nervously announced as both Anne and Robbie were baffled that Sprig took a gamble with his plan.

"And I thought Anne was notorious for never having a plan..." Robbie declared with a facepalm as Anne gasped at the insult. However, this battle did not go unnoticed as a crocodile humanoid being sawed this transpire. This was a Crocartakan, known to be furious fighters with extendable blades from their wrists with a hide that could tank even acid from a race of reptiles known as Saurian. The Soldier rushed to a campsite belonging to a small crew that was from Newtopia. The unit was made of a Crocartakan, two Kytinn which were a race of deadly insectoid warriors, and a very young Newt General. These were Baraka, Kabal, Kron Stone, and General Yunan.

Kabal was a small dark tan Ant Kytinn who carried a pair of hook blades and wore lightweight armor to help with mobility. Kron on the other hand was a massive jade green scorpion with a clawed right arm and a stinger that dripped with a toxic poison. The Crocartakan was a battle-hardened warrior that bared multiple scars over his face and razor-sharp fangs that could intimate even the fiercest warriors. The Newt however was the youngest among them and wore heavy-duty armor with wrist blades concealed within the armor's gaunlets. Once the Crocatarkan arrived within the crew's tent, he fearfully told the unit about what he had just witnessed as Yunan was quite eager to combat these "monsters" within Wartwoods.

Supers, Magic, & Frogs!? Oh My! Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon