SHIELD & Claws: Part 1

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"So... Anyone has any real idea why things have been forcing us four to stay with each other?" Questioned Kabal as he twirled his hook blades in boredom. "From the trip through the mountains going to hell, being swarmed with those giant hornets, and nearly being pulled under the waters while traveling the river from a few minutes before getting that weird report about a demon thing?" The Ant Kytinn announced with an annoyed expression on his face. Neither he, Kron, Baraka, and Yunan wanted to work together as they all drove each other crazy for one reason or another. Yet, literally every time they tried to seperate, something forced them to stay together ever since King Andrias assigned them as a team.

"Why are we even looking into this bizarre claim of two demonic creatures doing Kombat anyways?" Snarled the Crocarkatan, Baraka, as he used one of his claws as a toothpick to remove some gunk from his fangs. "This feels like a waste of time." He added on as Yunan scoffed in frustration.

"How Many Times Do I Have To Explain It!?" Shouted the Magenta Newt within armor covered in blades, "We, or should have been just me, need to check on this to make sure that the civilians of Wartwoods are alright! Even if those claims, as ridiculous they are, aren't true!" Yunan added on as she grew frustrated with the crew that she was stuck with. But she and the others have long given up on trying to separate due to all the crazy shit that forced them together.

"General Yunan... What was that metal bird flying through the mountains? I have never seen such a large metal object being able to fly..." Kron questioned as he recalled their first attempt to separate. As they tried to navigate through the mountain range, a massive bird crashed through the terrain and nearly bringing down the pathway with them on it. "Thankfully that the thing didn't crush us as it fell..." The Scorpion Kytinn announced as the three shared this sentiment.

Yunan placed her hands on her hips as she also tried to figure out what that thing was, but she had no explanation for it. Whatever it was, she has never seen anything like it before. "To be honest Kron... I have no idea what that was... Its almost as if it was from another world or something..." The General answered as Kron, Kabal, and Baraka were a bit worried by this. "That is also why I want to check this out... Sure, it does sound crazy. But when you consider the recent events..." Yunan went on, "Maybe it isn't as crazy than we think. Maybe what the solider was actually true. That means there is a serious threat new to Amphibia and I won't stand by to let it take over." She finished off as Kron clapped in applause by her speech.

Though, Kabal and Baraka were giving her the 'are you serious look by this. "When the hell did you decide to make heroic speechs, Yunan? Maybe you should stick to those dumbass battle poses you often do..." Baraka declared with a venomous tone, "Why do you always insist in wasting time announcing your various titles and doing dramatic poses that just leave you open to attacks?" The Crocarkatan lamented with annoyance as he glared at the miffed newt as she gritted her teeth.

Yunan immediately jabbed her finger at Baraka in rage as she began to tell him off, "How Dare you talk to your commander like that!? Also as I have told you before, I do that to have people remember who I am because I am a big deal who deserves to be recognized!" She shouted aloud as Baraka backed up in intimidation from the general. "Plus! The Poses are ment to boost moral among you since we are practically stuck with each other." She finished off as Yunan turned her back to Baraka.

"I Honestly like the poses, General." Announced Kron as Kabal gave him a questioning look.

After blinking a few times, Kabal announced: "You reall have a weird taste then, Kron..." Though, this earned Kabal a whack in the head by Kron's tail as he yelped in pain from this.

"Thank you, Kron." Yunan told the Scorpion with a smile. "Now. Let's keep moving to Wartwoods. The town should be coming up soon." Yunan announced to the three as they followed, with some being absolutely annoyed by having the crackhead Newt as their commander.

Meanwhile, Anne was close to repairing her SHIELD Communicator as she tried her best to not screw up and accidentally break it... Again... "Come on... I am so close!" She announced as the device began to come to life. However, it began to short circuit with a burst of smoke. This caused Anne to grow frustrated with her failure toward this small task before hearing Sprig.

"Want help with that, Anne?" The Teen Frog asked as he hopped over to his human friend. After letting out a small sigh, Anne handed over the device to Sprig. She needed a break from this as her eyes were a bit strained from the fail attempts. "So... What is this thing for?" Sprig asked as he looked over the device with interest as he tried to figure out how to assist Anne.

"It is a way for me to contact Coulson, Sasha, or Marcy if they are here... Judging from all I have seen so far. I have a strong hunch that they are here, but that would also mean some of our enemies are here due to Saibot being around..." Anne added on with a sense of dread that her recklessness allowed this world to be in danger.

"So, you're hoping to gather the crew to stop the baddies?" Sprig asked as he was quick to get the device working thanks to the technological knowledge he had received from his mom. "I wouldn't mind joining in on that." Sprig announced as Anne was utterly impressed by Sprig's talents. "After all, this is my home and I am not gonna let you to handle them alone, best buddy." Sprig announced with a smile.

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