Cracking Barriers: Part 1

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The scene opens up within the state of Nevada, a SHIELD research outpost stationed around what seemed to be a fractured glass panel that hung in midair. As researchers used various equipment to analyze the anomaly, flashes of two vastly different forms of landscape flickered within the reflection. At times, it would show a world of where monsters and mythic power originate and others a swamp land filled with powerful technology as well as enhanced animals and foral found within such a region. The group assigned to examine this fracture consisted of Agents Alisande Boonchuy, Kenshi Hasashi, Maria Hill, Terri Micucci, Jenny Jordan, and two Shaolin Warrior Monks known as Liu Kang and Kung Lao. Roughly after the incident with AIM and Coulson's Team, this crack began to appear as the team suspected this to be the result of the failure of AIM's latest project for world domination. Though, this theory did not exactly sit well with the Shaolin Archives as these records suggested that this was the first time that interdimensional travel had been attempted with fractures appearing. Alisande was one of the SHIELD Agents reading these records, somewhat surprised by the details within them. "Can't believe that a group of Warrior Monks formed by The Eternal Raiden has a lot more information about magic than SHIELD does... Yet, all of these records point to a form of energy called Calamity Energy." She announced as Agent Boonchuy placed down the documents to face Liu Kang, "The same energy which played with the downfall of Kronika. I thought only the Vikings had access to these Calamity Stones though..." Alisande followed up as this brought a smirk to Liu Kang's face.

"It is believed among the Shaolin that the reappearance of The Stones throughout our history was a trial of shorts given to us. Determining if we are worthy to handle the nearly limitless potential of these Stones." Explained the Monk as he crossed his arms, almost with a voice filled with ancient wisdom. "The Shaolin may have followed the teachings of Raiden and Fujin, but we haven't exactly proven ourselves worthy of The Stones." He added on with some degree of disappointment hidden within his tone.

"With all of that power built into the stones, surprise that Kronika and her lieutenant Zamasu didn't do anything to fight against it." Alisande muttered aloud while looking over to the blind swordswoman who was meditating before the Rupture. She was using the magical katana named Sento to seek more information that modern science and technology would not be able to uncover.

"Although, it is somewhat concerning that we have found multiple Fractures like this across the world... How could the incident with AIM cause such an event?" Maria announced as she raised an eyebrow, pondering the mystery which lay before the group.

Soon, Kenshi arose from her meditation, filled with an aura of clarity radiating. "From what I had been able to draw from Sento, it seems like Earth is not the only people who are trying to travel between worlds. The new world in which we have lost Coulson and his team as well as Argenta seems to be attempting their own means of Portal Technology..." Kenshi stated aloud as the information hung among the group.

Yet, this did help Terri and Jenny to form a theory that explained the Fractures. "Multiple failed attempts to force open gateways through Ley Lines would be a good reason for why these are turning up. Guessing the overload of Calamity Energy just pushed things over the edge a bit..." Reason Jenny as they began typing into the computer that rested within the observation room. "From what we had managed to gather before Monica and Quan Chi got ahold of the Stones. Calamity Energy is nothing to scoff at, even outshining the power of Hakai Energy in raw power." They announced as Jenny pulled up the recorded research on The Calamity Stone and the music box which held these gems.

"Described to be equal in power to both The Phoenix Force and Cython if I recall the information correctly from Marcy, Fitz, and Simmons. No wonder why Kronika struggled against them..." Announced Terri with amazement regarding The Calamity Stones. However, as those words rang out, Terri noticed a document written within the words of The Glyph Forger. The Titan spoke about a device that Zamasu was trying to create, a Gem that could rival the power of Calamity Energy and evolve life into powerful warriors that overshadowed The Race of Inhumans.

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