Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Beast?

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Both Sprig and Anne were currently taking cover underneath a hollowed tree that had fallen over years ago. As they tried their best to catch their breath, Anne double-checked the surroundings to see if they lost the large bug that was chasing them. Thankfully, the mantis was nowhere to be seen as she sighed in relief. Sprig on the other hand was looking over the music player, ensuring it wasn’t damaged from the recent events. “So, why did you risk your life for the gizmo?” Anne asked out of genuine curiosity and with a kind smile.

Upon seeing the player was still in good condition, Sprig placed it into his jacket pocket as he explained; “It was a gift from my mom before she died… Though, where are you from? I haven’t seen any beast such as yourself before.” The Magenta Frog asked with interest as he turned to Anne. Though, it was quite clear that Anne wasn’t sure how to explain the situation to him. At least not properly without sounding like she is crazy.

“Well… I am from a place known as San Francisco… But I really doubt I am even remotely on Earth after that energy surge from AIM’s device…” She began. Though this had already confused the young frog next to her on several accounts. After letting out a small sigh, Anne went into the details a bit more; “To start, Earth is the world I am from and AIM is an acronym for Advanced Idea Mechanics. It is a major tech company that isn’t really out for the betterment of others like another company I know of…” She then tried to remember what she could from SHIELD’s information about the mission. At least before being transported to this world of frogs. “Anyway, long story short, as I tried to stop the machine holding some strange artifact they dug up from the ruins of Xerxes. Something went wrong and caused the device to transport me here… I am not sure if anyone else was sent here with me…” Anne finished off before those words actually took root in her mind. If she wasn’t the only one sent here, her friends would be here too as well as her enemies.

“Wow… Your world sounds crazy for sure, ms beast…” Sprig announced as he leaned against the wood behind him. Anne laughed at both the comment about her world as well as that she is some beast.

“That’s for sure. Lately, a lot of enhanced individuals have been popping up in my world lately. From Magic, to Alchemic, to genetically enhance like me, and so much more. It is almost like some god-like being is preparing the fragile human race for some major conflict or something.” Anne joked before addressing another matter, “Also, I am a human by the way. Bitten by a radioactive spider to be granted superpowers.” The Super Heroine bragged with a wink. Anne then signaled that the coast was clear as she stood up. Quickly, they both came out into the opening with a sigh of relief.

Though, this was short-lived as an angry mob of frogs came into the clearing as they tried to capture Anne. Yet she was easily able to dodge their attempts as if she had some kind of foresight to predict their attacks. Sprig was quick to stand up for Anne as he stood between the angry mob and his new friend. “Hey! She isn’t gonna hurt anyone. This is Anne, a superheroine called Spider-Girl.” The Magenta declared to the surprise of all the frogs, even Hops and Polly. He even noticed a proud smile from his grandfather before Wally screamed in terror as a monstrous Mantis came into view.

This time, Wally was right to call this Mantis a monster as it was covered by a black ghostly aura that gave the simple insect a far more demonic appearance. Anne recognized this black aura as she prepared herself for battle. ‘So, they did come along… Looks like Noob Saibot is somewhere close by. This is definitely his handy work…’ She thought to herself as Anne was a bit nervous to combat the Demonic Mantis.

Bi-Han and his younger brother Kuai Liang are both powerful Inhumans with Cryomantic powers, being able to manipulate ice with deadly precision due to their training under The Lin Kuei. Though, Bi-Han himself was quite different compared to the current Grandmaster. Bi-Han had a hatred towards their rival clan, The Shirai Ryu. They both did battle with each other for countless years, and only recently forged a peace treaty with each other. Yet through Bi-Han, this had almost not come to pass as he slaughtered most of The Members of the yellow-colored ninja clan. Resulting in Robbie being turned into The Ghost Rider, a powerful demonic ally of SHIELD, and rendering his younger brother paralyzed from the waist down. The Grandmaster of Shirai Ryu, Hanzo Hasahi, had taken the two in as a favor of their parents before their passing. Robbie himself had always regretted the deal he had made with Quan Chi. It even led Robbie to incinerate Bi-Han in his lust for vengeance, turning Bi-Han into the Wraith he is now.

Since then, both Noob Saibot and The Ghost Rider have been at odds with each other. Determining to slaughter one another out of their hatred for each other. The Mantis was quick to attack the group before it as Anne could barely dodge the razor-sharp blade forearm it had. The other frogs tried to take down the Mantis, yet it simply breathes powerful infernos toward everyone with Hellfire. Anne used her web-shooters to seal the demon’s mouth shut, only resulting in it becoming far more violent. Though, Sprig was quick to act as it used his slingshot with a small rock to distract the insect as it was quick to target him.

Using his legs to hop around, Sprig rushed around the bug with a large rope that the mob brought alone to entangle the monster. Though, it wasn’t going down that easily as it swung its blade at the young frog. Yet with a flash of Cyan Energy within Anne’s eye, she accelerates towards the Mantis to catch the blade in her hands. The blade had slightly cut through her hands, due it to the enhancements Noob had given the Mantis as it glared at the Spider Heroine with murder. Sprig was not to hesitate with the window he was given as he did his best to entangle the mantis. Though, it was a struggle since no one was on the other end to pin it down until Hops joined the fray to tie down the monster. Heck, even Polly joined in on the actions with a warcry and spear impaling the mantis through its skull.

Off in this distance among the trees, Noob Saibot was watching the entire fight and clearly disappointed that his archenemy was clearly nowhere in sight. “I’ll find you eventually, Reyes. When I do, I will end you and your pathetic brother along with you.” The Wraith declared with a venomous tone within his chard voice as he vanished within the shadows.

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