A Demon Among Frogs: Part 2

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Anne looked over the various tools within her bag as well as the SHIELD Communication device that was issued to her by her mother before joining Coulson's team of Agents and rookie Supers. Anne reasoned that if she, Noob Saibot, Robbie, and Gabe were in this world then it would be more than likely the others would be here as well. That means that this world will be due to meet AIM and their forces. She didn't want to allow AIM to be left unchecked for long, but she also realized that it would be foolish to fight Monica and Quan Chi with their forces on her own. 'Hopefully, I can get this thing back up and running soon. Then again... Wonder if the Bus had crashed or not due to what had happened with that weird box thing...' Anne thought to herself as she look back to the artifact of Xerxes. No one at SHIELD knew how exactly AIM came across this item when they, even Nick Fury himself, have been searching for it for a long time. It was theorized that White Star's CEO gave Monica the location himself, but it couldn't be possible as Xerxes had fallen approximately four hundred years ago. 'Then again... If Captain America was frozen from the 1940s... Doubt it would be much of a stretch... Yet, the entire population was wiped out without a trace in one night.' Anne continued on with her thoughts while working on the communicator.

From what SHIELD did know about Xerxes, the city was indeed a highly advanced civilization and had signs that it was known for slaying supernatural beings such as the Yokai. Though, the reason of this advance was due to three colored gems that were believed to come from beings that were determined to be The Celestials, Eternals, and Titans themselves. This was the science of Alchemy was founded and developed thanks to two families within the city. The Hohenheims and Wittebanes, are known for their advancements in the fields of science, medicine, and weaponry. Yet, it was recorded that the formation of Alchemy was thanks to Xerxes being introduced to Magic from another realm. Yet, anything regarding after that point seemed to be lost to history as any form of documentation was destroyed by whatever wiped out the entire city's populous. However, Anne had a gut feeling that the lack of information regarding the downfall was more deliberately caused than by the corrosion of time.

Though the sudden sound of her door being kicked down snapped the spider out of her thoughts as Sprigs rushed into the room. It was clear that he was in a panic as Anne came to realize that the young frog was carrying a wheel. "Anne! Anne! Anne! Me and Polly had accidentally broke Gabe's wheelchair during our game! Robbie looks like he is gonna kill us in our sleep because of It!" He yelled in fear as he began to what Anne to believed to be sweating. She wasn't sure if that was the case or if frog even did such a thing, but that was for another time as Anne remembered her own experience of breaking Gabe's wheelchair... Let's just say it was NOT a pleasant time to go through. "Is there a way for us to fix it before that demon burns our souls or whatever?" Sprig announced in pure panic.

"Well, it can be. Though I don't know if you have anything that can do the repairs here... We need to get that chair fixed before Robbie snaps on us... He doesn't exactly have any real control of that spirit inside of him..." Anne announced with a clear sense of fear on her face. "Where's Gabe at the moment though? Please tell me you at least put him somewhere inside the house before we take off to find someone to fix his chair?" Anne questioned with a pale face as Sprig nodded to confirm this. "Good. Now, is there anyone in town who you think can either repair or build a new wheelchair?" Anne begged as she pulled Sprig to her face to express how serious this situation was.

With a brief scene change, both Anne and Sprig are infront of a Woodsmithy workshop with the broken remains of Gabe's wheelchair. "This is Leopold's workshop. He is our Woodsmith... But he doesn't really know how to do his job at times..." Sprig explained with a bit of a dreaded tone. Sprig knew this was a long shot, but there was no one else that could come close to fixing Gabe's Wheelchair. "I hope he can understand how serious this is though and try to scam us." The Magenta frog announced as Anne nodded in agreement as they entered the Workshop to see the... Wooden oddities of the Axolotl Woodsmith. One of the most noticeable, and quite disturbing items, was a statue of a 'sexual exaggerated' carving of himself. "Hello new customers! Name's Leopold Loogle." The light blue axolotl announced aloud with a cowboy's accent. He had a type of welding goggles over his eyes and an attire that was a beige shirt with a heavy-duty brown apron over it. "What can I do you two for?" He asked with a charming smile as Sprig showed the woodsmithy the remains of the broken wheelchair.

"Now before you pull that 'you can't do it' nonsense like you did with Hop's cane, this is more serious than wanting to get out of trouble!" Sprig shouted at Leopold. "We have someone who can't walk on his own and needs this to get around. So please be serious about this and check if you can fix it or just build us a new one!" The Young Frog announced with a serious glare towards the wordsmithy that caused the elderly axolotl to flinch a bit. Though, Leopold did see how serious this matter was compared to the previous incident.

If your are suck in a wheelchair, you are more likely to die due to natural predators among the town and more. Leopold didn't say another word as he adjusted the lends on his right goggle to be able to zoom in on te overall damages of the chair. As he looked over the chair itself, both Sprig and Anne held their breaths as they hoped that the woodsmithy would give them a positive answer... And not try to lay them off over something really dumb like not being able to fix a simple cane. "Well young lad," Leopold began after he asseted the wheelchair, "I can't really fix this thing. Though it can be possible for me to craft you a new one at least." He told the two as they sighed in relief. "I just need you to gather some materials for me to make it for ya two." Leopold explained as he made a list of what he would need to build the replacement. "You do that for me, then I'll make you a new one. Free of charge." The Axolotl explained to the surprise of Sprig.

"Wait, really? I was at least expecting you be to able to help us. Yet, doing this free of charge was not something I was expecting." Sprig stated with pure confusion before The Woodsmithy chuckled with a chilling tone.

"Consider gathering these materials as your payment for NEARLY destroying my entire workshop, Sprig." Leopold declared through gritted teeth with rage as Sprig laughed nervously as he began to remember what happened the last time he and Polly were here with the cane incident. "On top of that, I don't want some young lad getting hurt because they are stuck in the mud. In a manner of speaking of course." He went on with calmer tone. Even if death was more common among the world of Amphibia than compared to Earth, people always wanted to do their best to prevent it the best they could.

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