Shipping Antics: Part 2

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As things were smooth sailing with most of the SHIELD Agents as they worked on The Bus. Turning it into a mini base until the plane could once again be airborne. Yet, Jemma was not adjusting to her new surroundings quite as well. It reminded her of the 084 Mission that occurred in Peru of South America. The sheer amount of bug sprays, sun creams, and other materials that suited for an overcautious woman like herself did not suit SHIELD's private budget. Even got her a good scolding from Sonya Blade herself. Then again, the germophobe Leo was no better, if not worse. Agent Fitz was ed refusing to leave the confines of the metallic heaven from The Swamp World that they found themselves in.

"You two need to get over yourselves... Like it or not, we are stuck here. Hiding from the outdoors will not help our situation any better..." Declared The Calavry with a cold and stern tone that match her demeanor. "If I have to get Coulson to order you both do a digital mapping of this world to overcome your petty fears. I will." Melinda followed up with a glare.

This did send a chill between the two nerds as Jemma timidly approached Melinda with her hands clasped together. "Agent May... The fact we are on an alien swamp world suggests alone that there could be many, many potential unknown diseases, unseen effects from fungi, and wildlife with dramatic effects to our human anatomy..." The Biosciencsist protested which was greeted by annoyed looks from Melinda, Jean, Frost, and Agent X by this lame excuse.

"How the hell did you two Nerds even get into SHIELD?" Questioned the Cryo Ninja with an expression of disbelief towards accompanied by an annoyed groan.

"Oh! That's rich coming from the Ninja Elsa with anger problems!" Shouted Leo from the lab inside the plane. "Remember how long it took us to keep from trying to kill Robbie in his sleep? For bloody shake, you almost froze half of The Bus one time just because he beat you in a game of Mario Kart!" Declared Agent Fitz as Frost twitched in anger from his smudged remark.

"To be fair... Anne was quite dumb to suggest that game for 'Team Building'..." Agent X commented under his breath. Though, everyone quietly agreed to this as Mario Kart was a very competitive game, even for the most casual players.

"Ok! I'll admit I took that overboard, but you two really need to get over yourselves..." Frost bitterly stated with an icy stare. Shortly Coulson had arrived at the scene from his cherry red 1962 Chevrolet Corvette, modified with some SHIELD Tech to grant the car heavy-duty armor as well as flight and weapon systems, which he named Lola.

Upon exiting his prized car, Coulson let out a heavy sigh. "Let me guess, Simmons and Fitz aren't leaving the plane because of the swamplands?" He asked as this was quickly confirmed by the others. "It feels like I am more of a parent than team leader for this group sometimes..." Agent Coulson declared openly before turning to the two timid Agents. "Look, if Anne, Robbie, and Gabe were doing fine on their own before we found her. I doubt there is anything that seriously poses a threat to us. Granted there is more we need to learn more about this world." The Senior Agent explained, "But we can't learn more about this world if we are cooped up inside The Bus." Coulson advise before an idea came up in his mind. "Guess I do have a mission to help us learn more about the people of Amphibia."

He recalled a conversation that oddly came to him from the dork robot, Ordis. Apparently, Anne and Ordis were trying to help Sprig with his crush Ivy. Even though it was probably best to ask Robbie about dating advice since he IS in a relationship with Sasha. Sprig was quick to shoot this idea down, believing he would overcomplicate things for the young frog. "I heard that Anne's new friend Sprig is in need of relationship advice. Though Hops and Ivy's mother are trying to use it for financial gain, perhaps we can use this as an exam for you two." Coulson had concluded before continuing on. "I want you two to head into town and try to help Sprig with his problem. Sure Robbie would be the best one for this, but consider it as a challenge to learn more about the people of Amphibia." He finished off with a smirk as both Melinda and Agent X agreed to this little challenge to the dismay of Jemma and Leo as the gulpped in fright.

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