SHIELD & Claws: Finale

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Yunnan and her crew were quite surprised to see more of these Earthlings running around their world. Though, Baraka seemed to recognize the term of Hakai as he pondered the technology of Earth. 'How could these creatures have harness the destructive power of Lord Beerus, The Destroyer Titan? Even more so, how do they know of the existence of the Celestials, Eternals, and Titans themselves?' The Crocarkatan general questioned within his thoughts as he grew more cautious about these Humans.

"So, what is it gonna be General Yunnan?" Coulson asked with his gun aimed at the Young Newt warrior. "Will you surrender now or shall we do this the hard way?" The SHIELD Agent added on with narrowed eyes as Yunnan smiled at the recognition of her title for once.

"You think you can take on The Scourge of The Sand Wars, Defeater of Ragnar the Wretched, and Youngest Newt to achieve the rank of General in The Great Newtopian Army?" The Pink Newt Warrior questioned as she took on a battle stance as Agent May showed her how disappointed she was.

"You talk too much, lady." Melinda announced as she then began to fight Yunnan with mixed martial arts and even landed a massive strike in Yunnan's stomach. Resulting in the Young Newt rasping in pain and having the wind knocked out of her. Kabal went in to assist Yunnan with his hooked swords before being met with Jean Havoc's shotgun to block the incoming attack. Havoc then used the back of the gun to smack the Ant Kytinn's face to daze him before using the specialized ammo to put Kabal to sleep with a coloring of indigo fading from the shot.

Agent X then used his sidearm to knock out Kron as the Scorpion attempted to strike The Agent with his claw. With a single shot on his forehead, Kron was put to sleep with the same indigo coloring from the point where Agent X shot him. Yunnan saw this and was surprised by the fact these agents had a unique method of nonlethal weapons to deal with their enemies. Baraka, however, was quick to slice through these guns with his bone blades as the Crocarkatan quickly proved himself to be a worthy ally to Yunnan. Coulson smiled as he gestured for Baraka to combat him with a small wave of his hand.

Yunnan smiled as she reengages Melinda in hand-to-hand combat as Jean and Agent X rushed over to Anne and Robbie. "So, how are you two hanging?" Questioned Jean as he helped up Anne as she focused on recomposing herself from the beating Yunnan gave her.

"Doing alright... Wasn't expecting the Newt Shredder to be so dang tough ya know..." The Spider Heroine admitted with a bitter taste in her mouth as Robbie refused to respond to the question himself. His silence was more than enough to tip off that he allowed his anger, as well as the Spirit inside of him, to get the better of him.

Agent X chuckled a bit before announcing, "That is what you get when you underestimate your opponent. Hope that you two learn the lesson from this." He gave the two a minor scolding glare towards Anne and Robbie before turning his attention to the teen magenta frog. "And what are you?" The Mysterious Agent questioned before being met with an enraged glare from Robbie.

"His name is Sprig, X... This kid and his family have been helping us to understand this world as well as even giving me, Anne, and my brother Gabe a place to stay. Show some respect before I break your face." The Rider warned as Sprig gave the Latino a miffed glance.

With crossed arms, The Teenaged Frog announced, "Really dude? I am more than capable of handling myself... But what about those two guys fighting clear top-tier soldiers of Andrias' army?" He asked out of concern as both Agents Melinda and Phil seemed to be holding their own. Yet they were struggling with the Crocodile Brawler and Newt Ninja. Both Agents were indeed skilled fighters in their own right, but they seemed to be equally matched by the General Duo. Baraka fought with furious strikes with his bladed arms and massive fang-filled muzzle, using his brute strength as well as sharp claws and teeth to their fullest. On the other hand, Yunnan was quick on her feet and made use of her armor's blades as she pressured Melinda. Ensuring the Agent could not react fast enough to effectively fight back against her. Coulson tried his best to turn Baraka's aggressive fighting style against him, waiting for an opening from a missed swing to hopefully find a weak point beneath his scaly hide. Upon seeing a chance, Coulson charged his cybernetic right hand with an electrical charge to stunt the Crocarkatan left side. Resulting in a massive electrical shock that caused Baraka to shout in pain from the strike. In a rage, Baraka swung his blade toward Coulson with blinding speed. Thankfully, Coulson was able to react as he use his cybernetic to generate an energy shield. This had in turn cause a deafening sound to sprung from the clashing forces.

Melinda and Yunnan were briefly stunned by the sound before they both tough it out and they resumed their battle. Melinda had a hard time getting through Yunnan's attacks and making sure her armor didn't cut her body as well. After all, Yunnan's armor did mimic the TMNT's Arch Villain Armor too accurately. It was covered in blades on the arms, legs, and shoulders yet giving her freedom of movement without sacrificing any of her defense. One wrong action would indeed cost Agent May gravely as she would suffer a decisive injury that would work in favor of the Newt Warrior. "Having trouble, Creature? Thought you would be more of a challenge considering you and your buddy seemed to b-" Yunnan taunted before Melinda strike Yunnan's face with her elbow, resulting in The Newt General bleeding from her nose as she growled in pain.

Melinda cockily chuckled as she then entered into a new battle stance. "Like I said. You talk too much." She simply stated as she took control of the fight between her and Yunnan. Meanwhile, Coulson was starting to land more attacks as The Crocarkatan's anger grew, resulting in him becoming more reckless over time before he was thrown into Yunnan. With this, both of them were defeated as they lost consciousness from their battles as both Agents did their best to catch their breath.

"Wow... Those two were definitely talented fighters... I am getting too old for this kind of stuff..." Coulson said aloud as he held himself upright by placing his hands on his knees. Sprig though tried to think of a way to ensure the crew of four couldn't come after them quickly as he then used a rope to tie all four Newtopian Soldiers against a tree with several makeshift traps with Elemental Shrooms to await them when they awake up.

Later at the Planter household, Hops was both intrigued and annoyed meeting the other humans. He believed that he would need to make more room for a large number of humans. Thankfully, he was reassured he didn't need to make such arrangements thanks to Coulson's current base of operations, The Bus. Though, the crew of Humans knew that there was more to come thanks to the vague statement of the Newt General and the presence of AIM Agent, Noob Siabot. It was just a matter of time before things got more complicated for the world of Amphibia. To what extent? That was not something easily determined.

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