Chapter 6: I Lost you my you

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     "After being away from her and not being able to show me to her. I realized that my feelings for her were true, and I couldn't stand being away from her. Caring for her all this time, and being away from her just made me miss her more. I  constantly can't stop thinking about her. I kept asking myself do you want me to be with her be there for her" he said crying as he walked in circles in his room. There is that awful moment when you realize that you're falling in love. That should be the most joyful moment, and actually, it's not. It's always a moment that's full of fear because you know, as night follows day, the joy is going to rapidly be followed by some pain or other He had broken the rules. But he had never been loved like this before. No matter the consequences he was willing to give up his life for her. Fall had quickly arrived. The autumn colors, the leaves fell down, the water in all the streams became quiet. He had returned.  I continued to learn how to live through this hard world. I would remember the words he said to me and it would give me the strength to move on. That morning I received a call from Han telling me I'm begging that he was not doing well and that I was the only one he had no matter all the things he did to me he didn't have a family to have friends he asked me to meet in the park near the Han River where he first asked me out.

As I headed down I kept walking, through the crowd of people. But feeling uneasy. I kept wondering where my angel could be. Why has he been missing, but these past days I wasn't able to forget him. It is better to lock up your heart with a merciless padlock than to fall in love with someone who doesn't know what they mean to you. Then I wouldn't  be feeling this pain. I finally got to the  park, that's when I saw that Han  was sitting at the bench, looking out into the river I was about five feet away from him I stared back of his head feeling the regret of me coming here that this was the last that I got to see him to let everything go to heal myself to let that chapter move on as. I got close he stood up and turned around slowly "Bora wow you were easy as I thought one call and you come running back to me it amazes me how fast you moved on from me. Do you think that you can hide things for me? I know everything and you know what just like Romeo and Juliet will die for our love and if I can't have you no one will?" He laughed in the evilest way. I was shocked to see that I had fallen for his trap again. He had me locked up and he was not going to let me go.

I moved back slowly step by step but soon as I  thought I had moved back, he went around the bench he pulls me closer grabbing my hand, with the strongest grip he pulled me towards him as I struggled and struggled to try and get away from him he pulled me closer he was too strong for me I kept begging and begging for help no one was around and I knew this was going to be my end. I somehow I grab some strength and kicked him. I started to run away but I heard him scream fine this is what you wanted I turned around seeing the gun being fired but he had never reached me I saw Jimin on the ground he had gotten here so fast he took the shot for me he protecting me. I rushed down, falling hard on the concrete. Feeling the sound of my knee but the only pain that was stronger than a cut was seeing him like this. I picked him up slowly, laying his head on my lap. He was weak. He looked into my eyes, giving me his beautiful; eyes and smile. He reached out and laided his hand on my check. " I hope you never forget how many beautiful things there are about you and in this world. 

Meeting you and being by your side was the best part of my life. but the saddest thing is when we knew too much of each other we knew each other fears, secrets, favorite things, what we love and hate but soon will be strangers and you forget everything about me. You are the most beautiful souls out there so pure but broken, I'm sorry for all of the hurt this world has brought you. If I could , I would take it all with me to the afterlife. I love you but as a man loves a woman. You are the love of my life. I wish this life could not be this short. Please My Bora live the life I helped you grow. I'll remember you. I'm sorry I left you." His hand fell from my shoulder. He was gone and I never got to say I love you back. " Come back please, I love you, please , please" I screamed while I uncontrollably cried, feeling pain in my heart. As I held his dead body I hugged him not wanting to let him go. He was my first and only love. He indeed was my guardian angel but he had become my lover. 

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