chapter 14: Time to let Go

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The day was beautiful in the morning and the birds chirping the weather was beautiful as I got up and walked out the balcony looking into the view of a beautiful Forest I looked back seeing Jimin he is  beautiful. He was sleeping I couldn't stop staring at his beautiful face I made some breakfast leaving a note to Jimin "I will be back need to end things with Hyun-jin". I headed out and took a taxi, I felt someone grab my hand it was Jimin I turned around looking at him, he looked into my eyes and gave me a kiss. And said" I love you and if you need anything I'll be here" he gave me a kiss on my forehead and help me get in the car. On my way I called Hyun-JIn "hey can we meet up at your house I need to talk to you" After 20 minutes  I arrived at his house.

 he was waiting outside with the bouquet of flowers "hey why didn't you answer my phone calls you went missing I couldn't find you anywhere at the party everyone was asking where you were why did you do this to me why disappear like that what is wrong with you we still need to be married and you just run off like that"  I couldn't believe what he was saying to me. "you're still lying to my face how dare you to embarrass me like that if it wasn't for someone I would have been panicking how dare you to lie to my face. I saw you I saw you kissing her and you dare lie to me you know what, One of the most painful things you can ever feel is to keep pretending to be okay even when you're not. You keep all of it to yourself until you just can't, and you break down. Here is your stupid ring we're done. Don't ever come looking for me run away with her instead. Making me suffer stop being with me and stop". He looked at me as he cried, believe me, I love you just please don't do it I will leave her please believe me" he got to his knees begging me as he pulled onto my pants I took his hands off of me telling him we're done.  "please I cared for you and the only thing I can do is just be friends but please let me be happy if I'm with you I keep getting hurt, i get dragged into drama.

 I keep suffering and I keep being lied.  I can't live like this let me be happy"  I said. He gave me a hug "if that's what you want I'll let you go but please be happy and find a guy, who is better than me. And won't be an idiot as me."  I smiled and let go of his hand waving  good bye. And feeling at peace as this chapter had finally closed. I see his smile but behind I knew he would be okay.  We had to let go and finally  broken the loop. I could finally be happy  I got in the car and drove back to Jimin's house. And I arrived. As I got of the car I stood  behind the stands of the field and watched  him  do his morning run. He finally saw me, he ran across the field, he lifted me, spinning me. As he kissed me on the check.  "you made it can we be happy together now? He asked with a big eye smile. " yes" I said as whipped his sweat. "do you love me even human?"   "of course I do guardian angel or human or whatever you want to be I will always love you" I said . Sometimes the wrong train takes you to the right direction. It was like that for me, too. Throughout my life, I always felt like I was on the wrong train. One time, I wanted to give up. I didn't want to go anywhere. So I thought of jumping off the train. Look where I am now. I took the wrong train again, and a very wrong one at that. Still, you should think about the future, even if things don't go as you wish. I hope you arrive at the right station, no matter which train you take. Feeling sad and disappointed is only natural when witnessing disappearances. When a flower withers away, just like it dreams of new blossom, you'll live, meet, and love again

 When a flower withers away, just like it dreams of new blossom, you'll live, meet, and love again

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