Chapter 11: My Next

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It was the morning after a rough night. My ankle was much better. It was a bit sore but I was able to walk around. I headed down to my Salon as I was waiting to train the new employee. As I arrived at my business. I headed in waiting to meet them. " Miss the new hire is here he just went to the bathroom." She said. I waited behind the front desk. " Mr. Park here this is the owner and manager of this place. As I spun my chair I looked up to see Jimin. I was in shock. " Miss, so nice meeting you let me officially introduce myself I'm Park Jimin." He smirked, biting his lip. I stood up and reached for a handshake " nice meeting you Mr. Park," I said firmly. "Follow me I will be showing you what we do around here." As I began to teach him how to use the supplies for makeup and hair. Our hands would always touch. 

Always locking eyes. I couldn't believe he was there. Sometimes we tend to be in despair when the person we love leaves us, but the truth is, it's not our loss, but theirs, for they left the only person who couldn't give up on them. Looking down I would move my hand fast. But as I grabbed a brush my hands began to shake. I felt nervous, he reached out and held onto my hand, he looked into my eyes" don't be nervous" he said very calmly in a soft tone. I looked at him and took a deep breath. He began to show me what he learned but I was quite impressed he had learned fast as I admired him from behind I couldn't believe he was there. He turned around catching me smile but I quickly changed my face giving him a strict face. "let's do the makeup you can practice on me. " But you are so beautiful." He said in such a flirty way. I shook my head and headed to the chair.  

As I sat down on the chair he began to gently apply the makeup. His strong hands had become smooth as he gently applied the foundation. As he artistically began to clean every detail. As I opened my eyes I found myself looking at him directly. We stood there staring into each other eyes, as my breathing became heavy. I felt my heart racing I was scared he would be able to hear it. He came closer and closer At that moment I began to remember how life had torn each other from each others life. Our lips touched slightly until there was a knock. He backed up facing down to the makeup. I stood up trying to fan myself as I was blushing. As I sat there touching my lips I nervous shook his hand and left. My heart raced as I wanted to be with him but I ran out. But Out in the studio, everyone stood as Hyun-jin walked in the door, holding a big  bouquet of flowers. He was heading to me he kneeled down and said " Bora will you marry me". Everyone began to cheer and shout. But the only thing I heard was the door shut. I looked back seeing Jimin shocked he looked down standing still. " yes " I said. Hyun-jin stood up with happiness. He hugged me not letting me go. I could feel my heart being torn. " everyone here is an invitation for each and one of you the Mascarde ball will be tomorrow to celebrate our engagement." Hyun-jin shouted in joy. He left and everyone excited. Jimin grabbed the invitation looking sad. He crumbled it up and put it in his pocket. He walked towards the door looking back to me. His eyes became teary. His face blank. In that moment it felt it was just us two in my Salon. He opened the door and said no word. I'm going to smile and make you think I'm happy, I'm going to laugh, so you don't see me cry, I'm going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me  I'm going to smile." This is what kind of life you wanted for me.

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