Chapter 9: Lie

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I headed home, As I lay down on my blue silk sheet. I couldn't bear to even think of his memories following me left and right. I knew he is gone if I just pretend more. My phone began to ring. It was Hyun-jin. I answered the phone, " Bora, I'm sorry my mother was really sick." But I have something important to ask. I really wanted to ask you in person but I have no other choice. Will you go out with me again, I make it up? " I was in shock the words that I finally wanted to her had come out. He had finally apologized. And out of nowhere I said yes. But It felt like Hyun-jin and I was growing apart. I could feel his world and my world becoming distant. He was so much ahead of me. Somehow, I felt like I'm lagging far behind. Feeling hurt from seeing Jimin. My feeling for Hyun-Jin was true and real, but at the time he would not value them. But my feeling for Jimin just felt far. He cheered on the phone being so happy I said yes. I was happy I guess but something was not right. Hyun-jin and I had begun to date officially. He was the sweetest. We went on a date and were always attentive. 

Bringing me small gifts and always showed me and told me he loved me. At times I felt like I was being followed as I walked around with Hyun-jin, Jimin was always there. He seemed attentive watching every move. I Had become much more confused. But suddenly things were going not so well with Hyun-jin. " Bora I'm back, I'm going to get food to stay here." As I waited for him near the side of the sidewalk, I felt someone rush over grabbing me tightly, spinning me into his arms, but saving me from a car. It was Jimin as I felt his strong arms and the same perfume. I didn't dare look up as I stayed in his arms. My heart racing.  I could feel his smile and his eyes just looking at me. He let go of me and left without saying any words. As soon as he left " darling you okay seems like you Saw a ghost. He said concerned. " nothing honey lets go." No matter where I went he was there. The following day as I walked with Hyun-jin two girls ran up to him hugging and being so touchy, I stood there still waiting for him to turn around and introduced  me. Nothing, I backed up tripping, leaving my knees scraped I saw Jimin run, as he dropped his bags. He picked me up and sat me down. Hyun-jin was to busy talking to those girl he didn't notice. Jimin ran to the nearest store buying ointment and bandages. As he arrived he kneeled down. " may I " he asked i nodded yes.  

As he gently treated my wounds. I watched him being careful and gentle. He didn't care what my words had said to him that day.  But the truth was  I really missed him.  No matter what I did, I couldn't stop thinking about him . I tried tiring myself out. I tried very hard to forget. I drank and did everything I could. He  keep appearing in front of me and I keep getting tangled up with him. But you doing that is because of me. I didn't want to  have hope. I feel like I'm trapped in a never-ending forest of time. He cared for me in every way. He stood up as he heard Hyun-jin calling out for me, he looked at me and left.  As I sat there Hyun-jin ran " what happened why you leave." He didn't even care to ask if I was okay. I stood up and said "take me home I'm not feeling well" I was bothered indeed. As he left me home he pulled my arm " Bora is something wrong?" I looked at him " why don't you just analyze your behavior and maybe start caring I'm done thinking about us. You know patience isn't my strong suit. I hate it when things are vague." I shut the door, falling to the ground crying of overwhelming feelings. Things were being different. Jimin kept coming across my mind; he hadn't changed ever since we first met. But my feelings for him were not clear. I was still in love with Hyunjin  but I had started to feel love for Jimin again. A breakup is like a mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself trying to fix it

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