2.Caspian- You're real.

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Caspian POV:


My head is booming.
Where am I?
What happened?
Oh right...
My uncle...he sent out guards...the professor...those strange little people...the horn-What is going on!

I open my eyes and notice how close the ceiling is. Its decorated with some form of beading and stitched patterns. I sit up and look around the room, everything is very miniature.

Ow I can feel a headache! I reach up the my forehead and feel a bandage. Just then I hear the crackling of a fire and an aggravated voice.

"Ugh this bread is so stale."

I slip the bandage off of my head and move towards the opening in the wall.

"I'll just get him some soup then. He should be coming around soon." A softer voice sounds.

"Uhh well I don't think I hit him hard enough." The first voice says.

"Nikabrik! He's just a boy!" Says the second.

"He's a Telmarine not some lost puppy! You said you were gonna get rid of him!" The 1st voice argues who I am guessing is Nikabrik. Odd name.
I look around the corner and see an extremely small man with grey staw like hair sitting at a table. He's who hit me last night or at least I think it was last night. He must be Nikabrik.

"No I said I'd take care of him." The second voice says but once it walks into view I jolt back from looking.

A badger? A badger!? A badger is talking!?
How hard did I hit my head?

"We cant kill him now, I just bandaged his head. It'd be...it'd be like murdering a guest!" The badger says.

"Oh and how do you think his friends are treating their guest?" Nikabrik says snarkily.
I prepare myself to run or grab something...anything.

"Trumpkin knew what he was doing, it's not the boy's fault." The badger says.


I run out of my hiding spot, knocking over stools and decor but before I can leave Nikabrik pulls out a sword. I look towards the fireplace and grab a poker before the small man starts to swing at me whilst the badger is shouting for us to stop.

"I told you we should have killed him when we had the chance!" My opponent says without looking away.

"You know why we can't!" The badger says accusingly.

"If we're taking a vote I'm with him." I say nodding towards the badger.

Nikabrik turns towards the badger, "We cant let him go, he's seen us!" And swings at me again before I step backwards and fall to the stairs.

The badger puts himself halfway between me and the dwarf. "Enough Nikabrik! Or do I have to sit on your head again!" The badger exclaims.

This is beyond odd.

"And you!" It says, talking to me.
"Look what you made me do. Spent half a morning on that soup!" The creature says before waddling over to a corner to pick at something.

I look between the two completely baffled.
"What are you?"

"You know it funny you ask that. You'd think people would know a badger when they saw one." The upset creature says, as it voice travels with it into a hole of spices and food.

"No. No I mean, you're Narnians. You're supposed to be extinct." I say.

"Uhm well sorry to disappoint you." Nikabrik says before walking over to where his chair is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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