6. Susan-Feast

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I got to know the little girl with white hair. Her name is Skadi and her mother is Jadis, the white witch. She was used as a slave, mostly by her mother. She hates her just as much as we do. She's 2 years older than Lucy, the same age as Edmund but because of lack of food and care she's a small, she resembles more of a 9 year old, not a 10 year old.

Either way its dark, I have no idea what time it is but I can tell it's late because we have basically no daylight and we're all having a feast, others are dancing and music is playing. Everyone is dancing and by everyone I mean the whole camp. My eyes are searching for Lucy, she's dancing with a small faun and a small blossom person. But looking around I can see Skadi sitting by herself, likes she's trying to hide a bit. I see something move in my peripheral vision and focus on the object, it's Aella. She kneels in front of her and they begin to talk. From the firelight I can just see the expression on Skadi's face, it looks kind of sad, a bit uncomfortable. Aella looks to be thinking, she does this thing when she thinks, she sort of daydreams but looks a bit concerned. When she looks back at Skadi, she's watching the others dance. She says something to her to grab Skadi's attention. They talk for a few minutes until Aella nods and raise her hands to Skadi's face. She closes her eyes and faint wispy lines appear on her wrists, the other thing is that something like light is flowing through them to her hands. My eyes follow the light up to Skadi's head. Her hair starts to change to a dark brown, darker than mine but 2 strands of hair remain white. When El removes her hands the wisps fade away and she smiles at Skadi, who's looking at the tips of her hair. They speak once again till Aella stands and holds her hand out to Skadi. She takes it and they both go to the fire and dance with all the others.

It's quite amazing their culture, for example the way their dancing includes everyone and how warming and welcoming it feels. How the differences between them doesn't stop them from socialising with one another. Lucy comes over and pulls me into the crowd and starts dancing with me. I can see Peter get up from his seat on a log and go towards the dancing. He slowly starts dancing with the others and ends up dancing with Aella. Their gaze doesn't leave each others. I notice that they only dance with one another until the music stops.

 I notice that they only dance with one another until the music stops

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