7. Edmund- Threatened

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All of us were in the field, on the hills practising with our weapons. Me and Peter were on these unicorns whilst using our swords against each other. Lucy was throwing daggers at targets and Susan was practising with her bow. Aella had set up Skadi with some books about magic so that she can learn and Aella, she was watching us and correcting things we did wrong. Until Mr beaver ran up the hill. "Your majesty! The witch, she's here!" Panic in his voice sent me into a panic, before anything could happen Aella is already prepping. "Skadi with me, quickly!" She hurries. Skadi scoops the books up into her satchel and climbs onto Frosthunt and they take off down the hill. Meanwhile Peter and I help Susan and Lucy onto our horses whilst Mr beaver slid on his stomach down the hill with us after the two Narnians ahead.
All of the camp had gathered around as Jadis was brought in on a chair carried by some of her servants. The witch was booed at the whole time she was carried into camp until her 'carriage' was lowered for her to step down from. All eyes were on the witch as she slightly glanced the way of me and my siblings, then towards Aslan, Aella and Skadi. "You have a traitor in your midst Aslan." She sneered, knowing that it would cause an uproar in the camp. Whispers and murmurs made their way all around the close surroundings. Some eyes even turned to me, that was until the crowd went silent, waiting for Aslan to answer. "His offence was not against you." He says calmly. "Have you forgotten the laws which upon Narnia was built?!" Jadis retorts only to be shut down by a low roar from Aslan, making her jump a little. "Do not cite the deep magic to me witch, we were there when it was written!" He responds. "Than you'll remember well.....that every traitor belongs to me, his blood is my property." Jadis sneers once again, sending chills down mine and my siblings spines. Peter goes to draw his sword, catching everyone's attention, only for his hand to slide it back into its sheath. Green swirls surround his entire arm, as if they controlled his movement. This turns the attention away from Peter and onto the culprit of the magic, Aella. She stood beside her father, her face stone cold, her hands were folded to her front before, however her right hand had left the others clasp to be subtly turned out as her arms lay on her sides. The same green wisps surrounded her fingers, as she turned her head ever so slightly towards us that it could be questioned if she did move or not. But we saw it along with Skadi, she was telling us to stand down, there was something else behind the actions. With the attention upon her the witch turned the conversation to speak towards Aella. "You also have one of my own people. She belongs to me. I own her blood." Jadis spat. Aella had released Peter from her magic once he had relaxed, now turning her focus on the witch. "Rather humorous to see you accuse us of forgetting the laws, even though it seems as though you are the forgetful one. It is my responsibility to protect every child of Narnia who is in need of my help and protection. Whether you were apart of that reason or her past when Lady Skadi was in danger is no longer a factor, so long as she is in my care no one has a claim on her. Even if the laws did not exist, she is my apprentice, still putting her under my care. You have no claim." Aella says, putting Jadis in her place, rendering the witch speech-less but equally as infuriated. "Blood is owed!" Jadis speaks, her focus back on Aslan. She then points to me. "If not Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water. That boy will die on the stone table, as is tradition!" She says, turning her gaze to the crowd, viewing their expressions. I don't know what's happening, I feel as though I'm floating but I remain grounded on the floor. I can tell that my brother and sisters feel similar but less so than me. What pulls me back to my senses is a little tug on my hand. I look and see Skadi holding my hand and rubbing her thumb over my knuckles in a comforting way. She knows what its like to get threatened at, more so that I heard her get threatened with her death beforeback at that grim camp, more so that it is the same person threatening me as they did her. I nod at Skadi in thanks as she leaves to return back to Aellas side, being loyal for her saving her life. Aslan told the witch that they would discuss what happens privately, making Aslan, Aella, Skadi and Jadis enter the tent.

We all sat for what seemed to be hours but was more likely to be an hour and a half. We had all sat down on the grass, either sharpening weapons or picking at grass. Suddenly whispers became louder, alerting everyone that they were coming back from their conversation. The witch is the first to leave, whipping the curtain door away in her dramatic manner. As she walks toward her 'carriage' she looks at me for a while, probably sensing how nervous I am. But she walks by and doesn't say a word. Aella walks out with Skadi beside her, her eyes looked more angry than they had before, but she still held a stone cold face. Skadi held her hand, once again in a comforting manner. Making me question what was discussed in that tent. Then out came Aslan, whose face looked calm, well as calm as a lions face can get I guess. He looks to us and my breathing becomes heavy again. "She has renounced her claim on the son of Adams blood." He says as cheers ripple through the crowd. My siblings surround me with happy faces. But between it all Jadis speaks up, as she stands, turned on her 'throne'. "How do I know your promise will be kept?!" She asks Aslan, making all noise cease and questioning glances go back and forth between the two. Surprising all of us, Aslan and Aella let out large roars both aimed at Jadis as she falls back into her chair, shocked. This sends out laughter through the camp. Aslan and Aella go quiet again and for a moment look content until El's eyes go back to having anger and defeat in them. As everyone cheers my family all join in a group hug, none of us wanting to let go. The witch is carried out of the camp as everyone celebrates and then continue to go back to what they were doing. However, Lucy is the first to notice out of the four of us how defeated Aslan now looks once the witch is gone. Aella watches him and unexpectedly wipes a tear that ran down her face and walk off with Skadi side hugging her along the way. All four of us watch the interaction before Aslan glances at us and eventually turns back into the tent. Our eyes then follow to where the 2 Narnians went, which seems to be within the trees.

~sorry for being so M.I.A with this book. I will try to write more on different books but I am so busy with school, especially with this bloody covid. I also have about 8 drafts that I want to do but that requires time and a lot of it. Hope you are all well and safe. Hopefully I will see you soon.~

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