3. Cool-Lucy POV

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Aella showed us around the camp. She's really nice and she's really brave and strong and smart. I can see why the prophecy refers to her also. But I don't get why she isn't the main subject of it. She's Aslan's daughter for crying out loud. Oh, Aslan is this big lion that rules over Narnia. The white witch, Jadis says that she's the real ruler, but she's lying! Aella had given me some of her old clothes that were to small for her and similar to her sized clothes to Susan. Peter had his clothes made for him and when we get Edmund back, he'll have clothes made too.

Aella says that it won't be long till Edmund comes back and I hope she's right. Even though he was absolutely horrid and a pain all the time, we do miss him, a lot. Me, Susan and El went down to the stream so we could wash up and get to know each other, seeing as we were to share El's tent. It was peaceful and calm, like there wasn't any problems in the world. No war brewing, no danger, no hate or pain. Just peaceful. It was nice but a little too calm. I splashed Susan with some water, it got in her face and she slowly turned to me. She started splashing water at me, soaking my dress and face. We started having a water fight whilst El watched. She had told us not to splash her or she wouldn't be happy. We eventually ended up like we just got out of a 5 minute walk in the rain, so Susan declared that she was finished. She pulled a towel down from a branch to reveal a wolf. It snarled at us and other wolves slowly walked closer. "Please don't fight, we're tired and prefer to kill you quickly." The alpha said.

I was going to scream but I felt a soft tug on my dress sleeve. "Get up the tree" El whispered but not before Susan threw the towel at the wolf and blew on the horn she got from Santa. I scrambled up the tree and watched as Susan climbed up after me. The leader tried to bite Susan's foot but stopped when shouting was overheard. Aella was saying something that was muted by Peter's shouts. Peter had his sword raised and stepped in front of El. She rolled her eyes and moved so they were equally in view. "Ah, the humans and the princess, The queen will be very-" The wolf was cut off by Aella.

"Maugrim, I give you a chance. leave and never disturb us again or never be able to report back to you queen and anyone else for that matter." She says.

Peter looks at her with concern and confusion in his eyes.

"We'd much rather kill you." Maugrim says.

Aella looked the ground which some wolves stood and muttered some words. She lifted her hand and the ground started to move and distort around them. "Then it's settled." Is all she says and then El and Peter start to fight all the wolves.

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