5. Peter-Skadi, daughter of Jadis

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I opened my eyes to the sun peeking through the gap between my tent doors. I pushed my self up and turned my legs out of bed. Walking out, I looked at the fields that occupied the camp. Few were awake but still kept quiet. It was peaceful and nice. Looking round from my spot I could make out the silhouette of the great lion, Aslan. As my eyes focused on the image more I could see 3 others with him. Aella was by his side and in front of them stood a young girl with white hair and a boy with dark hair. Edmund, he was back, Aella kept her promise and brought him back. But the girl I wasn't so sure on. I heard foot steps behind me and turned to see Susan and Lucy. "EDMUND!" Lucy shouted and went to run towards him but I held her back, I could tell it was an important discussion. Upon Lucy's call, they all looked towards us in unison. Even at a distance I could see Aella's forest green eyes scan over the 3 of us. She smiles and turns back to the conversation. After a minute of standing where we are, the conversation finishes and the group walks over to us. I get a better view of the young girl, her hair was a pale white and her eyes an icy blue. She walked shyly towards us, kind of half hidden behind El. She wasn't that young just a bit older than Lucy. Maybe Edmund's age. "I'll talk to you all later at the feast and I will check on you later Edmund right now I must show Lady Skadi to the tents." Aella says and walks away with the young girl. Her arm rests on the girls shoulders as she guides them to tents. I look at Edmund for answers but all I see is Susan and Lucy almost squeezing him to death. He eventually looks at me and I join in the death hold. We all release him from our grasp and start catching up. "Who was that girl Edmund?" Lucy asks. I would like to know as well. I heard the name Skadi but nothing much apart from that. "She was like a servant to the witch as far as I saw but when Aella saw her they started talking. I overheard a bit of it. She's something like the witch's daughter b-" Edmund was cut off from us three."WHAT?" We all shout in sync. "She can't stay here. She has to go!" Susan protests. "El must know what she's doing!" Lucy assures. "Unless she's mistaken!" I suggest.
"STOP IT!" Edmund shouts. We all draw our attention to him. He looks tired but through the fatigue I can see his expression is annoyed and angered. "Before you start jumping to conclusions, would it help your argument if I told you that she tried to save me!?" He said slowly so we got every word. We were silent. Thinking it over we weren't entirely sure what side she was on and she was only around Edmund's age. It was definitely going to be something to discuss.

Sorry this took forever. I'm thinking of a new fanfic and a book of my own. Apologises to all for the inconvenience.❤

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