first time ~ hamiltonxlaurens

172 5 1

tw self harm and drugs

john groaned when a knock on his door traveled through his apartment. he was curled up in bed, aimlessly scrolling through the apps on his phone. laurens frowned when he pushed himself up and out of bed. he sat there for a moment, quietly contemplating if he just sat there the person would leave. it was not a suitable hour, it was after midnight. what person would be out after that time? plus, a snow storm was occurring. anyone with half a brain would know to not go outside in new york in the middle of a storm.

disregarding the love he held for his bed, john swung his legs over and went to the front door. he looked through the peephole and froze. he opened the door and a disheveled alexander appeared in front of him.

"hamilton? what the hell?"

john tugged alexander inside, shutting the door behind him. he cupped his face, cursing lowly.

"you're freezing, you know that?" john spat.

alex sank into john's touch. he scanned his face without saying a word. he had left his apartment which he is sharing with lafayette and hercules.

"alex?" john shook the smaller man gently. "say something."


john's head drooped. he sighed and looked down at alexander's hands. he grabbed them, feeling how cold they were. a chill ran up john's spine as he imagined alexander walking the desolate streets at this time of night. cold, his cheeks flushed.

"come on." john whispered.

laurens tugged alex to his bathroom. he immediately plugged the drain and began to fill up the bathtub with hot water. he ran his fingers under it, making sure it was a good temperature. he grabbed a bottle of soap, lavender, pouring it right underneath the running water. john was sat at the side of the tub, alex was standing behind him. john heard rustling from behind him, he gathered that alexander was stripping. john sloshed the water around in the tub with his hand, then turned the handle to get some cold water flowing so it wasn't scalding.

"come in with me?" alex asked timidly.

"i already showered."

alex bit his bottom lip. john swiped his thumb across alex's cheek.

"i'm going to give you some privacy, alright?"

alex nodded. john left the bathroom, leaving alexander to his own devices.

john ran an exasperated hand over his face. he climbed back into bed, covering his lower body with the thick comforter. he waited about fifteen minutes until he heard the sound of draining water.

john realized he hadn't given alex any clothes. he quickly got up and went to his drawers full of clothes. he pulled out a hoodie and a pair of boxers that could have been smaller. john knocked on the bathroom door, waiting a moment.


john gently opened the door. without entering, he stuck the clothes out with an outstretched arm. alex took them and watched the door shut once more.

a few minutes later, john watched alex exit the bathroom.

"um... i can sleep on the couch and you can stay in my bed." john rose from his position.

"no, it's okay."

"i don't mind. come on."

alex was about to protest, but john gave him a look that said not to argue. alexander watched john leave the room.

he stared at the bed for a few seconds before climbing in it. he grabbed john's pillow, breathing in the scent. alex tried his best to fall asleep, but felt lonely without the presence of john. he stood up and walked to john's living room, where he was laying down on the couch. he sat up as alex, shrouded in darkness, appeared.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 17 ⏰

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