hamiltonxjefferson ~ take a break.

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alexander's leg bounced up and down insistently as he watched his coworkers around him get ready to leave for the day. even as only an intern, hamilton would stay after hours in the office to get a head start on work that wasn't due for another two months. he wanted to keep himself busy. otherwise, he sat in silence, thinking. when he thinks, he dwells.

anyone that worked with hamilton would tell someone that didn't know him that he was a workaholic. he rarely took breaks, and when he did, it was to get more coffee or to use the bathroom. it was never to give himself a second to breathe. his mind ran on overdrive.


alex didn't even look up from his laptop. he made a noise in the back of his throat to acknowledge the one that just called him. he quickly snapped out of his overworking trance when he realized it was washington.

"sir," alex laughed. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to dismiss you like that."

"shouldn't you be on your way home? you have classes tomorrow, correct?"

"i'm almost done. i'll be out of here in fifteen minutes, at the most."

washington didn't believe him. regardless, he have alex a curt nod. he trusted alex to lock up the building before he left for the night.

once washington had left, alexander went back to typing on his laptop.

alex didn't notice the clock move by the hour ambiguously. he nearly jumped out of his skin when someone called his name. he quickly pressed the save button on his work.

"you're still here?"

alex turned around in his swivel chair. he looked up at jefferson, an impish grin on his face. the taller gave him a confused look.

"yeah, i just finished up the papers washington wanted me to review."

"the papers that both he and i said were not due for another month?"

"i had nothing else to do."

thomas raised an eyebrow. the corner of his mouth lifted.

"okay... i'm going home. do you need a ride?"

alex looked down at his watch. it read nine thirty. he looked back up at thomas.

"i usually walk—"

"at this time of night?"

"yes. problem?"

"there is, actually. that's not safe."

"you sound like washington."

alex laughed, swiveling his chair around so he could grab his laptop and place it in his backpack.

"can i at least call you an Uber?"

"i'll be fine, thomas. it's not that long of a walk."

"have you eaten today?"

alex stood up and turned around. he looked at thomas confusedly.


"that's it?"

alexander nodded.

"can i take you to get something to eat?"

"while i appreciate the offer—"

"hamilton, i'm sure you want to say yes. you can't survive off of one meal a day. just let me get you something to have in your system, then i'll drop you off at your dorm."

"i can't pay you back."

"i didn't want you to."

alex thought for a moment. he was getting a free meal and a ride home.

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