CHAPTER 2 : Sleep Over

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Mina's POV

I'm at the elevator right now, I'm going home since I didn't get to sleep last night because I have a 10 hours operation and a lot of meetings.

The elevator stopped at 5th floor revealing the new SG I just look at him coldly when he bowed and entered. He's at my right near the buttons.

When the elevator stopped at 3rd floor a lot of people entered the elevator making me go backwards.

People keep coming and coming. Now I felt hot here, That Chaeyoung Guy or the SG is getting pushed getting near at me. He's left hand is at my left-back corner. I'm just looking straight not until I felt a kiss in my cheek and I turned my head to the right seeing chaeyoung with his eyes Wide open.

'no one can kiss me before and now this poor shity guy dare to kiss me, how could he. He's just the SECURITY Guard of this hospital... My Goshhhht' I said angrily in my head.

The elevator arrived at the 1st floor when he suddenly run, I run after him. He's a fast runner and I'm not. I saw him waiting at the sidewalk of the road. I walk towards him and bump his shoulder really hard causing him to fall in the ground but I didn't dare to look back.

At the House

I put my bag on the couch and get some water in the kitchen fridge. I'm alone here with the maids. My parents are always busy they didn't even greet me a good morning or at least take a glance on me.

Chaeyoung's POV

My shoulder really hurts how can she be that strong. I slept because later I'm assigned to roam around the hospital.

5 PM

I quickly went to the bathroom and take a shower when I finished I grab my bag and went to the kitchen and grab an apple.

At the hospital

I'm already roaming together with myungsoo but he is assigned in other area.

While walking..

"WAHHHH!!" I shouted when I saw a half body of a person.

"WAHHHH!!" I shouted when I saw a half body of a person

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I crouch a little to have a better view of the person. Its a grandpa.

"Grandpa, What're you doing here?"

"Get me out of here first" he said then I pointed to myself 'how can I...' I thought. And pulled him out of the chair. A minute later I finally get him out and guide him to sit down.

"Grandpa, what're you doing here?" I asked once again

"Don't Mention it. I hid a box of cigarettes in the back, I didn't expect it was too deep so I got stuck. They're usually a lot of people here, but it's so quiet today. Thanks, that's kind of you." grandpa said

"welcome. Grandpa, you just scared me" I said and he giggle.

"But what's wrong with you?"

"My granddaughter didn't tell me, I'm not even gonna ask. I think it's incurable." he said then put a stick of cigarette in his mouth.

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