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It had been literal days since Jamie had heard from his significant other. Normally Ava would max disappear off  the grid for a day but now it had been 4 and a half. 
He had planned her a surprise but it had turned out wrong and although he was sure that it wasn't just on him, that she must've just been tired and lonely too, he blamed himself deeply. 
He hadn't called her because he knew the best thing to do is give her space. She always adored having some distance when things got to much. When it was in the middle of a pandamic he'd see her climb out of their flat window onto their roof and he'd know not to bother her. He'd know she had had enough for that day. 

4 days and a half Ava had not heard from Jamie after his last message. It was a mixed feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had hovered above the call button with her finger multiple times already but each time she had managed to talk herself out of it. She reasoned that he'd probably be too busy anyway, that she'd probably would mess up his already cramped scheduling. Ava had busied herself with reading her newest book or messaging with a new friend she had made called Marth. They met on the internet in the brief period where Ava had looked at TikTok for amusement during Quarantine. 

So there was no interaction. 
A defining silence between the two that was comparible to the silence they had kept their actual relationship under from the public eye. The kind that doesn't take the suggestive issue away but that tends to cover it up with some fake ignorance. A weak flaunt of their independence, so they could prove it to a third none-existent party. 

Strange.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz