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"So you're telling me your colleague, Jamie, who's absolutely hot AND your type could not be interested in you?" Olivia said as she leaned back on the couch in her pyjamas with her glass of cheap red wine in her hand.

They used to have these kind of sleepovers every year before Ava had gone to persue her career, and it back then they had no money for good wine. Even though Ava had plenty of money for a good bottle of wine now they still picked the cheapest one as was tradition.
"Yes, I am indeed saying that." Ava sighed. "You also forgot about the bitchy ex I mentioned earlier."

Olivia tilted her head sideways ever so slightly and grinned. "Is he blind?" Ava frowned not knowing why she asked that question instead of giving the advice she needed. "Nope?"
Olivia nodded as if she had just confirmed a diagnosis. "Then he's stupid. Most certainly."
Ava snorted as she laughed and hit her friend on the arm playfully. "Moron." She mumbled out of breath a little.

"He also said he was coming to check up on me but he never actually came here." Ava hummed in thought.
"That's strange..maybe work held him up or the bitchy ex did..or that cute brother you mentioned." Olivia reasoned.

"However, how's Simon doing? I haven't seen the Irish lad for months and I'm a tad bit worried he's been going at too much Bailey's again." Olivia smiled. Ava nodded and swallowed the wine in her mouth to say:"He's fine, he's normal messy self as always, and a bit of a prick but what's new I guess?" Which made Olivia smile.

"How's the movie going?" Olivia asked after a moment of rare silence.
"Good, for now I've not filmed with Jamie alone that much, most of the time we had other cast members with us in the scenes but they're planning on doing some private scenes in the following week." Ava explained which made Olivia grin and wiggle her eyebrows. "Oh shut up." Ava groaned and shook her head as she already felt the headache from the cheap wine making its way into her head.

"How are you and Matt doing?" She asked her close friend who immediately showed a disgusted face. "Broke up a week ago, found out he was cheating with a friend of ours."
Ava made a puking noise and rolled her eyes. "Men."

Olivia laughed at that. "I'll drink to that." And she rolled her eyes along with Ava and said "Men."
But before they could set their lips to the glasses Ava's phone rang which made her grab it. She was surely suprised to see the caller ID.

"Why the hell is he calling me now?" She frowned as she wondered out loud and felt Olivia look over her shoulder.

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