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Ava leaned back in her chair as she folded her legs over one another. Her eyes scanned over the words on the page of a book she was reading.
She heard the front door open a while ago but there was no 'I'M HOME' afterwards. She concluded from this that Jamie probably had a bad day or that Griffin, their dog, had attacked him before he could yell.

When not much later she saw him walking in like he was a zombie she got out of her chair and put her book down. His eyes seemed to have sunken into his skull and the dark lines underneath them were prominent. She lifted his face up to see him properly with her index finger as she hummed. "I'm making dinner tonight and you're not doing anything besides sitting on the couch and sleeping. Deal?"

The smallest of smiles appeared on Jamie's face and he nodded. "Thank you." He mumbled. He handed her the letters that he retrieved from their mailbox and landed on the couch after throwing himself at it.
"You know, I didn't realise going out with your brother could be so tiring." Ava mentioned as she walked towards the kitchen. She heard a chuckle and then saw Jamie's head rising up above the couch again. "He couldn't stop talking about some museum project in Berlin. I wanted to shoot myself."
Ava laughed, because this was exactly the Sam Bower she knew.

"Poor lad, he just wanted to explain his passion in art." Ava reasoned.
Jamie sighed and let himself fall back onto the couch once more.
"He was pestering me about not taking you on dates yet." He said after a while of silence. Ava stayed silent for a bit before she turned around on her heels to face the couch again.
"He has a point." She just mentioned.

This time no head appeared from the couch and all she could hear was. "Oh fuck you, I know he does."
She stayed silent for a bit again before Jamie continued. "You know what? Next Tuesday, be ready. I'm going to prove that son of a bitch wrong."
Ava smiled as she turned to the kitchen counter again and yelled at him from in the kitchen: "you guys have the same mom you know? And I don't think Anne would appreciate you calling her a bitch. Shall I call her and discuss your behaviour?"

Sadly enough, no answer followed. All she heard in response was Jamie, starting to snore after he fell asleep on the couch.

Strange.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt