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Ava leaned back on the couch with a slice of her homemade cake on her lap as she looked over at Jamie who was also grabbing himself a serving. "This better be good Miller, or I'll have to sue you for trying to poison me." He grinned sitting down next to her with a sigh. "How are recordings going?" She knew the boys had been trying to record the vocals to the next album each at home so they would be able to layer it and then they would add the musical layers. However Jamie seemed to be extremely exhausted most of the time and she never saw him work. "It's just..diffecult to focus when I'm at home and there's so much else I could do." He leaned back tired and Ava got a plan. "I'm heading out tomorrow into the world with mouthmask and everything and I'll be leaving you to it. I won't distract you for around..let's say two hours?" She looked at him with a big smile and he looked at her fondly. "You're the best Ava..thanks for understanding and wanting to help me." He mumbled and leaned his head against her shoulder. "and thanks for understanding I need..time." she didn't even have to ask what he meant, because she knew it in her heart.

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