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It had been a week since Jamie had really talked to Ava. Now their messages remained at simple 'good morning/night' and 'Hope you're having a lovely day' (or variations of such a thing).
He had a flight tomorrow to return home and he knew from her last Instagram post she was at their house too. All too aware of the fact that they would have to face one another, Jamie was now hovering over the phone with his finger near the 'dial' button.

After taking one more deep breathe and remembering exactly what he had to tell her he pushed his finger down. The horrible beeping tone of calling someone started to go over as she stood on speaker for his whole trailer, which was empty besides him. He had quite literally shoved a cabinet infront of the trailer door so no colleague actors or make up and hair people could get in.
For a second there was the fear that his girlfriend, if he even could still call her that, just wouldn't pick up..

Hi Jamie..

Hey! Avs.. I've missed your voice.

What's wrong?
you never call anyone ever.. did something happen?

I..I need to talk with you
I need you to understand
how much I'm sorry..

How much I'm aware of my screw ups
how you deserve so much better behavior
How I will work on myself..
How I am working on myself..
And how this whole thing comes from a stupid idea I had...

This whole being angry comes from
me trying to do good
and I failed.

Can we do that tomorrow...
You're coming home tomorrow right?

For a second Jamie could hear the hope in her voice. As if she was scared he wouldn't show up again..

I am coming home tomorrow love.
I'm so happy to come home..

A single sigh of relief reflected from the other side of the phone call.

I miss you. Let's talk tomorrow on our couch while Griffin gets to bark at you and I get to yell for a bit?

I thought you'd never ask.

I don't think I can yell at you..

I know love..I know

And can we get dinner after?
For my birthday still?

You will get anything
and everything you'd like
if you manage to still be able to stand the sight of me after the talk.

Okay deal.. I'm gonna go walk Griffin now..
Bye Jamie.

Love you Avs

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