Harry Styles

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From the Dining Table- Harry Styles

"Are you free I was thinking about coming over to New York"

"Yeah when?"

"July for probably like a week"

"K just text me before you leave"

"Okay thank you!"

Harry was coming into town to stay with me. I only told 3 people about the Josh thing. Frannie, Devon, and Harry. As soon as I told Harry he made plans to visit me.

From what his sister says Harry still has a fat crush on me.

We met forever ago back when he was in One Direction. Lily, Frannie, Jack, and I all went to their concert and had front-row seats. It wasn't till after the show ended a security guard invited us backstage. He said the boys wanted to meet us and we went. Harry and I then became super close friends over the years. He was like the boy version of Frannie. Someone that knew everything about me and I knew all about. We told each other everything.

Nothing really happened between us but after I turned 20 and was in college I saw him more often. In the summer we would go on vacation together. And I would go to his concerts.

People never suspected anything till 2018. He was dating Camille at the time which he never told me about. One night she didn't go to his concert and after we went to dinner together. While walking out we held hands and kissed. Some people got photos of it and they made their way to Camille. She freaked out and went to social media to out us.

He was now fresh out of a relationship and I was still recovering from the whole Alexander court thing. This was perfect. Why not be friends with benefits with someone you know and are comfortable with. To this day that is what we are.

I'm 100% that is one of the reasons why Harry is coming to see me. I'm now free of Josh.

I just spent time cleaning and going to the gym. I only talked to Frannie, Devon, Harry, and my family. Even them I was still distant. I just needed time to recharge. 2019 so far has been draining.

The only big thing I did was Taylor Swift's 4th of July party in the Virgin Islands. It was only a small group of just girls. And go to the premier for Midsommer. I did a few interviews in New York but nothing big.

On the 7th Harry was knocking on my door in New York.

"Harry" I grabbed him and brought him into a hug not letting go.

"I see you missed me," Harry said as he dropped his bags down and hugged me.

I did. I missed him and touch. I missed hugs from people.

I let him put his bags in my room and we talked a little bit and then watch a movie. We both changed into something comfier. By then it was kinda late and Harry decided he would go pick up dinner for us.

Harry's POV:

I walked out the door and started my way to the restaurant. It wasn't that far so I walked.

I made it to the place and ordered.

"What would be a good name for that"

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