Chapter 5 - But are you?

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Hello there!

I'm spoiling yall with more chapters. Since it's currently the holidays for me, I try to find time to update whenever I can, (as you can see from me updating almost every day lol), writing helps me to calm down and I really enjoy it. I hope you do enjoy what I write too :) This might be the last chapter I will write for the next 4 days. 

Yeah and um sometimes when I write I tend to change the POV without realizing, so if you randomly see that "you" becomes "i" just ignore it or something lol. It's still Y/N. 2nd POV is like I'm telling the story, it sounds more natural (to me) and "you" sounds more personal. 1st POV is Y/N being the crazy gal she is. Her personality doesn't suit mine, so they feel like two different people. 

Just put it this way. Y/N in second person is more calm and serious, and Y/N in first person is just crazy man.

Also I hate that I have to use American spellings for this- I only study the British spelling of words, and it pisses me off because half the time, all those red wiggly lines below my "misspelled" words is only because of this issue.

Do what you enjoy best, stay healthy, happy and safe. I luv ya lotz <3


Never had 30 minutes felt so long in your life.

So when you tumbled onto the ground, on top of Loki, a wave of relief hit you. "I have been falling! FOR THIRTY MINUTES!" Loki yelled, and you scrambled to get off him. 

"You can handle him from here." A voice belonging to none other than Dr Strange said. I ran over to hug him with a huge grin. "Mister Doctor!! I missed you a lot." He only chuckled. 

To say Loki was pissed was an underestimation. First, some weird wizard who has the weirdest name of "Mister Doctor" trapped him in an endless falling loop for 30 minutes. Then, he hugs the only person he somewhat cares for.

"Handle me? Who are you?" Loki snarled, and I stood by Thor's side. "Loki..." Thor warned.

Loki summoned two daggers in his hands. 

"You think you're some kind of sorcerer? Don't think for one minute, you second rate-"

"Alright bye bye." Dr Strange says and pushes the portal over to Loki and Thor. I jump aside at the last minute and turn to him. "I'm going to give you another hug because I love you so much, and then I'll go and meet my 2nd favorite character." I said. 

I gave him a hug. What? He was my other favourite character, taking 1st place alongside Loki. Too bad he has Christine. I mean Loki has Sylvie, but... oh never mind. Point is, Dr Strange is as good as Loki, and for that I will forgive him for sending me back. I'm just happy to be able to live this dream again.

You stepped into the portal, waving at the wizard. He waved back with a smile and closed the portal. There, you see Loki and Thor beside Odin. Real Odin. You shuddered. You wanted to bitch-slap Odin right now, but Thor wasn't exactly in the best mood, and you might get bitch-slapped yourself. 

You walked up to them, and linked your arm with Loki's. He gave you a thankful glance, when Odin just glared at you. "Who even are you?" You didn't want to ruin the moment, so you just kept silent. You could see the gears turning in Odin's head, and his gaze went to your linked arm with Loki's. 

"Whoever you are, I'm sure you must be of great importance." Odin gave me a smile. I didn't want to bitch-slap him anymore. 

We were on a cliff, surrounded by a vast ocean. The wind blew softly. I would have stopped to admire the scene if there wasn't such an important event happening right now.

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