Chapter 1

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Gabriella Mitchell had looked at the hot summer day that they were having. The weather had started to change as June approached them fast and with that Gabriella knew she would see her older brother, Alexander again. She smiled as she quickly put on her uniform and went out of the room, straight down to the kitchen. She saw as her mother was busy cooking up a storm for breakfast while she saw as Nicholas sat at the table. The twins had been through a lot in their 17-year-old lives but that also meant that both would get done with school within the next year.

“It’s the dork!” Nicholas said as Elizabeth looked at her youngest son.

“You don’t talk to Gabriella like that, Nicholas. Morning, Sweetheart. Oatmeal or pancakes?” Elizabeth asked as Gabriella shook her head and grabbed a cup of coffee.

Quickly going through the mail that was laying on the counter, Gabriella had smiled, as she quickly grabbed a letter and ran outside, eager to read it. As she went up into the treehouse, she smiled and started to read it.

Dear, Gabriella.
It feels like every day you go through all these challenges and every day you come out stronger. Today (or technically yesterday for you) I saw as you were talking to Thomas Wincott. Talking is probably too light. Let’s use the word defending yourself. I’ve heard about the internal struggles that the people have gone through with the one guy that can never complete his senior year of high school, and I dread the day that you have to be in the same class as him. But I also know you will be okay, and you will get through all the struggles that the man is causing you. Stay strong. Do it your way.

Gabriella had smiled as she stroked over the initials that so often had occurred to write to her. She didn’t know who the man was that was writing to her, yet she yearned to meet him, and know who he was. Looking at the time that was displayed on her watch she knew she had to get going. Heading back inside she saw as her brother stood at the stairway holding her bag. Gabriella had grabbed it as she smiled at Nicholas and they walked out of the house together.

"Ready for our last day?" Nicholas asked as Gabriella had nodded.

"Yeah, Nick. Let's take this on," Gabriella said.

As the carriage had arrived to escort the twins to the high school, Gabriella had thought what her life would be like. She was a young girl, but despite that, she also had a talent for painting. Something passed on from their father. And now she's got the opportunity to make all of that work.

"You know that Alexander is coming home this afternoon. Apparently, Elijah will be joining him. Looking forward to see him?" Nicholas asked as Gabriella nodded.

"For who? Our brother or Elijah?"

It was no secret that as child, Gabriella had a huge crush on Elijah. But for Gabriella, the constant question was always if she knew what she felt or if it was all just something in her head. Not seeing Elijah or Alexander for 2 years has definitely made a huge impact on Gabriella's life, but it also seemed like she was entirely off track with her brother as well.


"So, Alex. How is life going to be treating us when we get back to Cinque Terre?" Elijah asked looking at his best friend and roommate.

Alexander Mitchell and Elijah De Luca were best friends ever since they were born and to this day the two guys have been close and didn't stop. Alexander had looked at Elijah, while he knew that things were everything but well with his sister, knowing that the reactions when they get home will be mixed.

"Life in Cinque Terre will be fine. What I'm more worried about is my little sister. I didn't keep my end of the promise that I had made. I promised to visit. I wasn't their for her and Nicholas' birthdays, nor for Christmas, Thanksgiving or Easter. And I wasn't there last summer which gives her enough reason to hate me. I know that I'm good with Nick, but you never know with Gabriella," Alexander said as the carriage had approached them.

"Maybe if you did more with your sister, she wouldn't hate you like that," Elijah said as they got into the carriage.


Gabriella had exhaled as she heard a commotion. She looked out of her window to a carriage approaching their house ad she very well had knew who it was. She saw as her mother had came out of the house with Nicholas and saw how Alexander and Elijah got out of the carriage. She had smiled as she saw how her mother embraced her eldest son while Gabriella made her way down to the event.

"Mother, I still need to breath. What did I miss? Nick, same as always," Alexander said hugging his brother.

"Yeah, guess I am. Hey, Elijah. How are you?" Nicholas asked.

"Alex," Elijah said as Alexander looked behind him.

He saw as Gabriella had stood in the door, completely speechless. The little girl that he once knew as his sister had suddenly grown into this beautiful young lady and he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Gabriella. It's nice seeing you again," Elijah said as Gabriella had curtsied and he smiled.

"Elijah," Gabriella said as Alexander shook his head.

"Brother. It's nice seeing you back. Both of you," Gabriella said as she had gone to the backyard.

"Alexander, give her time. She's going to be like that for awhile," Elizabeth said as Alexander nodded.

"Because I didn't come to visit?" Alexander asked.

"Because she's Gabriella," Nicholas said as Elijah shook his head.

As he made his way to the backyard, he saw as Gabriella had sat out on a bench, feeding the birds. He had smiled at the girl's kind heart and how big her heart was. Making his way to her, Gabriella looked at him, and smiled.

"You surely did grow beautiful," Elijah said as Gabriella had smiled.

"Thank you, Elijah," Gabriella said as she gave him some bird feed.

He smiled as he had reached his hand out as a bird landed on it and started to eat the food. Elijah had smiled while he looked at Gabriella.

"You were always so into things like this. Animals and getting to know them on a deeper level. Will you honestly tell me there is more to you than the birdy girl who always wanted her brother's attention?" Elijah asked.

"I don't seek approval from Xander. Not anymore. I'll show you this summer that there is more to me," Gabriella said.

"I look forward to it then," Elijah said as Gabriella had smiled.

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