Chapter 10

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"I am very surprised you're still here. Didn't my brother state that you guys are going back home?" Nicholas asked as Elijah looked at him.

"Alexander is acting like a dick. I have no idea what's going on with him. And it's like that divorce that happened, your father cheating all of it is her fault. I hate seeing that happening," Elijah said.

"Yeah, well, he has to grow up. Gabriella is also going through it all," Nicholas said.

"I want to do something special for her though. With Alexander, it hasn't been a huge delight being back Cinque Terre. And it is her last summer before she would start senior year. Both of you. So I think we should try and convince your mother to allow me to take the two of you out of Italy for awhile. Going down to Florida seems like a nice," Elijah said as Nicholas nodded.

"Let's see. Mother dearest," Nicholas said as Elizabeth came up to her son.

"Yes, Nick?" Elizabeth said.

"Elijah thought of actually taking me and Gabriella to Florida for the rest of the summer. What do you think?" Nicholas asked.

"Alexander and Gabriella could use with some time away, and I could use with some time with him alone. Yeah, of course. Just consult your sister as well," Elizabeth said as Elijah saw how Gabriella came down the stairs.

"Hey, you. Come on. Let's go and take a walk," Elijah said as Gabriella nodded.

"Okay," Gabriella said as they went out of the house.

"I think they're together," Nicholas said as Elizabeth looked at her daughter in the garden.

"That will be amazing. She needs someone like that in her life," Elizabeth said.

"Yeah, she does. Hey, Alex. Me and Gabriella are going away with Elijah," Nicholas said as Alexander looked at him.

"Where are the three of you going? Gabriella just got back from New Orleans. Does she really need to go away again? Plus, me and Elijah needs to head back to Milan," Alexander said.

"We are heading to Florida. You and Mom are spending time together then. Besides, you've been acting nasty to Gabriella so I think if she would to be away for the rest of the summer it will be good," Nicholas said.

"Mom, are you really okay with this?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, I am," Elizabeth said.

"So, me and Nichola thought that the three of us should go to Florida for the summer," Elijah said.

"Alex looks like he can do with a holiday," Gabriella said.

"I meant me, Nicholas and you actually," Elijah said as Gabriella looked at her brothers and mother.

"I appreciate it, but I think I need to spend time with Alexander on my own. Go with Nicholas. He could do with going away from home. Me and Alexander need to sort a few things out," Gabriella said.

"Are you sure?" Elijah asked as Gabriella nodded.

"Yeah, I am," Gabriella said.

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