Chapter 3

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Gabriella had looked out of her bedroom window while she was thinking about the offer that was in front of her. Elijah had offered to accompany her to New Orleans, but it wasn't just as simple at that. She had picked up the latest letter than she had gotten from her mysterious writer while she was slowly thinking how her life would change. Like their father, Gabriella was a painter, and she loved it. Gabriella loved to paint and to draw. It was a way how she could truly escape from all of the things that were happening to her, but also to let out all of the emotions that was surrounded in her.

"Gabriella," Nicholas said as he came into the room and Gabriella had smiled at her older brother.

"Yeah, Nick?" Gabriella asked.

"Me and Alex are going out. Will you be okay on your own?" Nicholas had asked as Gabriella looked at her brother with anger in her eyes.

"That is exactly why I treat Alexander like this," Gabriella said as she had gone outside.

"Gabby!" Nicholas said as he had gone out and saw his sister in the garden.

"Nicholas, are you ready to go?" Alexander asked as Nicholas had looked at his brother.

"She is furious at us," Nicholas said.

"Let her be," Alexander said as he saw how Elijah came out of the house.

"I'll keep your sister company," Elijah said as he had walked towards the young girl.

Elijah had looked at Gabriella who was sitting on a log and listening to the sound of the birds. He had shaken his head and cleared his voice as he saw how the young girl looked at him. He had smiled and sat down next to her while he knew that the two b rothers had taken off by now.

"Have you had the opportunity to think about my offer yet, Gabriella?" Elijah asked as Gabriella looked at him, her eyes filled with hope, but her heart unsure.

Just yesterday Gabriella had sat with the letter of her secret writer in her hand and thought. EDL could stand for Elijah De Luca and she knew that. But the fact that the writer's amount of siblings matches Elijah's had already confirmed her suspicion.

"I have. I have thought of it. A lot actually. I don't know if I should even go. Things between me and my brothers are so tensed," Gabriella said.

"Darling, it's no use in trying to fix something if that person keeps on running. What do you want to do about your relationship with Alexander if he keeps on running?" Elijah asked as he placed his hand on Gabriella's.

The feeling that she was then experiencing in her body was unlike anything she has ever experienced before. Although she had wanted more, Gabriella knew that it was wrong. She had taken her hand away while she thought for a single second about the undeniable decision that laid in front of her.

"I am trying to do everything in my power to ensure my happiness, Elijah, and I thought when I would be reunited with Alexander I would have felt it. But I don't. New Orleans may just give me that opportunity. So yes. I will gladly accept your offer," Gabriella said.

"Fantastic. I will thus make arrangements for everything."

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