Chapter 6

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Gabriella looked at the little cottage that she was at. It was late the night while she couldn't really sleep. She exhaled as she grabbed a glass of water chucking it, and suddenly heard footprints coming behind her. Standing still, she felt hands running across her body, pulling her hair back, and all of a sudden feeling lips pressing against her neck. She smiled and leaned her head back into the body, before she turned around, looking Elijah in the eye.

"If Alex were to know about this," Gabriella said as Elijah chuckled.

"Alexander doesn't even care enough to contact you. He didn't hesitate to let you go when you accepted my offer."

"Do you think he cares? Do you thi k Alexander cares what happens to me?" Gabriella asked, playing with the string of Elijah's hoodie.

"I don't know. Maybe he does. Maybe he doesn't. No one has ever fully understood where they stand with him. Ask Nicholas. Even he and I struggle with figuring Alex out. Gabriella, I want you to remember something. And please listen carefully to what I have to say," Elijah said as Gabriella nodded.

"It will never be your fault. Alexander has always been on his own mission. And it doesn't really matter what you do, he will never change his ways. He will forget things. Forget promises," Elijah said as Gabriella knew what he was talking about.

"But he will also say things and never mean them. He'll just say them to please you or comfort you. Even to get you off his back. It will never truly be your fault. But you'll want to blame yourself. And that is normal. For you to feel like that. But it is not your fault that Alexander Mitchell can't ever keep a promise. Please remember that," Elijah said.

"All I wanted from him, all I've ever wanted from my brother was love. Alexander always pushed me away with anything that happened. He never accepted me for who I was. Even when we were little. It was always Nicholas. Never me. And I... I grew tired for that excuse. I just wanted him to accept me," Gabriella said. 

"Gabriella, there is nothing wrong with who you are. Don't ever think that. You're amazing. You grew to this strong, independent, beautiful young woman and honestly, I wish I saw it earlier," Elijah said. 

"Sometimes we're all blind," Gabriella said. 

Feeling his hand moving across her face, Gabriella exhaled, and looked him into the eye. Something about Elijah seemed different to her during their trip. But she didn't know what. Gabriella smiled at Elijah as he leaned in forward, softly placing his lips on hers. Gabriella was still in a different world when that happened. But she didn't know if she would ever be able to not swoon at that feeling.

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