Chapter 2

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"So, my sister despises me and adores you? What suddenly changed?" Alexander asked as he and Elijah were walking around the town.

"Gabriella doesn't despise you. But I do understand why she is slightly... Aside. You didn't visit like you had promised. That hits her with grieve and anger. Grieve because she had thought that she knew you. Anger, because all she wanted was to see her older brother," Elijah said.

"If you know so much, you try and fix it then. Otherwise our summer before junior year is going to suck," Alexander said as he had continued to walk.

Gabriella had looked at the sun shining bright through her window while she was busy with a painting. She had always hoped that she would one day get the few opportunities that most artists only dream about. That she would get the opportunity to display her work somewhere in an art gallery. But that was all just a dream.

Gabriella saw as Nicholas had came into her bedroom holding a letter in the palm of his hand as she had smiled. She got up from where she was sitting on the ground of her white oak floor and wiped her hands clean of any paint, before she stood up and walked towards her brother. Even Nicholas was aware of the letters she had frequently received and he had loved it when his sister was happy.

"Another one for you," Nicholas said placing it in Gabriella's hands.

Gabriella had looked at her older brother as she placed a kiss on his cheek running outside to the tree house. She had climbed up as she saw how the tree branches were making shade, sitting under there she had immediately torn open the letter and started to read.

My dear, Gabriella.
I am standing across from your house, looking at the scene in front of me. Two men arriving at your place, your mother overjoyed to see the one, while you are having mixed emotions. I assume the man is your brother?

Gabriella's eyes stood still at the word brother while she thought for a single second about everything. Alexander was her brother, yes, but she couldn't help but wonder if their relationship could be fixed or if she had lost him forever. She had exhaled as she had continued to read the letter.

Brothers aren't always perfect. I am indeed the eldest of 7 children, but I also have struggles with my siblings from time to time. Sometime I can't even imagine how I and my younger half brother could get along. But I also noticed your pure excitement at the other man who had arrived. The fact that you were friendly and excited. I do wish that you and your brother, or whoever the man is of you, will make peace and you can carry on your live with the biggest happiness. It's what you deserve.

Gabriella had yet again smiled at the initials as she hears voices from down the tree house. She recognized them easily. It was those of her brothers and Elijah.

"Gabriella needs to grow up. It's clear we are no longer kids. Maybe she needs a reminder," Alexander said as Gabriella looked with fear on her face down the stairs.

"Gabriella has every reason to be like this, Alexander. And I suggest you keep your voice down," Nicholas said as he pointed up into the tree house.

"What?" Alexander asked as Elijah saw how Gabriella made her way down the stairs.

"What are you doing up there?" Alexander asked as Elijah moved up closer and held out his hand to assist the young girl down.

"Thank you, Elijah. I had received a letter which I read up in the tree house," Gabriella said as she saw how Elizabeth came closer to them.

"Mother? Is everyone okay?" Gabriella asked.

"Those paintings we had sent in to that art gallery in New Orleans? They want to display them," Elizabeth said as joy and pure excitement appeared on Gabriella's face.

"What? Are you serious?" Gabriella asked as she took the letter from her mother and read it.

"What art gallery? Since when do you paint?" Alexander asked.

"Had to find a hobby when you left," Gabriella said not lifting her eyes from the letter.

"Mother, we both know it's never going to happen. We don't have the finances for it nor..."

"Listen, if you're worried about a place to stay and airplane tickets, Mrs. Mitchell I will gladly escort Gabriella to New Orleans. My family has their own private airplane and we have a vacation home in New Orleans. The place was always filled with food, music, art and culture. My family loved it when we had traveled over there. Gabriella, if you wish to go, I would gladly go with you," Elijah said as Gabriella looked at him.

The gesture coming from the young man was a lot and very generous. But would Gabriella even succeed in anything? Or will it end much like the disaster she is picturing in her head?

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