as your girlfriend

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* affectionate as hell, she always finds an excuse for her to kiss or cling onto you. you don't mind that she's always constantly showing you affection, you loved it.
* basically lives at your apartment when you're stressed out so she can bring you food and water and cheer you up
* she asks you those kinds of questions that just make you feel like she genuinely cares, and she tries to get into anything she knows you love
* anything is fascinating when it comes to you, so she's super supportive when it comes to your hobbies and passions
* whenever you feel sad, she always knows what to say or do
* your family absolutely love her. she always joins in on the constant teasing you receive from your family
* the absolute best distraction when you need it, and the perfect one to comfort you or make you laugh
* she buys you tiny things every time she travels, so you have magnets and keychains from places you've never been to
* she's very possessive but you find that extremely attractive but she doesn't overstep her possessiveness and she has a lot of trust when it comes to you
* she always makes you playlist filled with songs she thinks you'd enjoy, you do the same for her but she tends to make you a lot of playlists cause she's constantly thinking of you
* will kill someone if they make you uncomfortable or sad
* she's constantly complimenting you
* she's always stealing your shirts/hoodies/sweatpants anything that smells like you, she loves how big your clothes look on her and they are extremely comfortable
* karina always teaches you dances despite how uncoordinated you are
* your just dance battles get extremely intense
* you guys both become parents to a cat and a dog who some managed to be living with you
* you never need to worry about her cheating because she only has eyes on you
* (femme) she loves how much shorter you are to her, she enjoys being the big spoon
* she thought it was the cutest when you were first learning how to speak Korean by asking Giselle to teach you because you wanted to communicate with her better, despite being Korean yourself you've never knew how to speak it due to living in the states
* she's always reminding you on how much she loves you
* she spoils you with things you always find yourself staring at despite never voicing that you want it. she always just knows
* super fun dates

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