chapter thirteen: a break

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Content Warning (CW): slightly sexually implicit content

I took George's hand as we ran outside onto the front lawn, the only source of illumination coming from icicle lights that were strung along the front porch of the vacation house. I told George to stay on the porch as I snuck over to the neighbor's yard, dragging their fountain-like water sprinklers over into our yard.

I looked at George as he shook his head at me.

"I'm not going first!" George whisper-yelled, grinning like crazy.

"I'll go." I said, slowly creeping up next to the sprinkler.

I ran through quickly- I probably wasn't even under the sprinkler for more than one total second- yet I got absolutely soaked.

"Oh my god." George said, laughing at me from a few feet away. "Is it cold?"

"It's freezing." I replied, shivering as I jogged over to join George. "Your turn."

"Ehhh, I think I'm changing my mind." George said, looking up and down at me, as my hair dripped like a wet dog onto the grass below my feet.

"What, no! You can't change your mind. No back-sies out-sies." I teased.

George scoffed. "Remember what the fortune teller lady said? I need to trust my mind and my body. And my mind says I'll have to dry off, change clothes, and do laundry after this, and my body says it's way too chilly out for this outside 'shower' right now."

"The fortune teller lady was talking about sex, not running under sprinklers, George. I think you're just being a wimp. Lil' scared wimpy boy." I said jokingly.

George dropped his mouth open. "I am not a wimp...Fine, I'll do it."

And as soon as he said, that he took in a deep breath then sprinted under the sprinklers.

I laughed, watching how quickly his white t-shirt became see-through and clung tightly to his skin.

George caught me looking at his stomach and came over to me with dripping wet hands, playfully shoving at my shoulder.

"My eyes are up here, Dream." He said, smirking at me.

We took turns running underneath the sprinkler for several more minutes, darting under it with speed and then jogging out, wiping frigid water off our faces. And for a moment, I felt like a kid again. I felt like I had no responsibilities, no worries- like if I wanted to, I could run under that sprinkler for hours and hours on end.

I looked to George, who had just watched me do another run across the lawn, and couldn't help but smile like crazy.

There's nowhere I'd rather be, no one I'd rather be with right now, than here next to him.

"What?" George asked, walking up to me as he mimicked my smile.

"Let's go under at the same time." I said.

George nodded and ran to one side of the yard while I ran to the other. We counted down from three, then both dashed towards each other and met in the middle.

I began to pull away from the sprinklers when George grabbed my wrist, luring me to stay underneath the water longer.

His face was dripping wet, his hair now jet black and stuck onto his forehead.

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