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Reincarnation, contrary to popular belief, was not easy nor painless. It was a tough process that involved getting your soul torn into pieces and put back together in the most inefficient way (at least you thought of  it as inefficient, otherwise why would it hurt so much?).

(It has since then become a distant trauma that you never wished to relive again, it was even more painful than death).

Just like in your other life your childhood is a blur, just bits and pieces here and there; vague memories of your parents scolding you, falling from a monkey bar, scraping your knees, climbing tres, birthday parties and cakes.

(It all mixes up and you are not sure if they are from this world or your other life).

You also remember your past life, not with memories but with feelings.
The overwhelming sense of deja vu became very frequent in your life, it made you realize that you had went through it once or twice in your past life.

(You do not remember your past name, but every once in a while you find yourself missing things that do not exist).

Being reborn was not something that you wanted nor liked to think about, you had a simple life with no imminent treat present and you were content with it.

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