Ordinary (or not)

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In this life you were an ordinary person; you had an ordinary life in an ordinary place with an ordinary family... you liked that quite a bit.

[unlike your other life full of unfortunate events, deaths and struggles, this was just fine]

It's true that since meeting Tsunayoshi things changed a bit, but things were still... ordinary. A bit of bullying here and there, a nice outing once in a while and sometimes just eating at each others house.

Ordinary is good... routine is good, it makes you feel like you can distinguish between your past and current life. It makes you feel like you aren't losing your mind.

[aren't you?]

At least that's what you think...it's  what you hope.

But you were never meant to be ordinary, your peace was always going to end and your life was bound to be chaos.

[just like your life before]

So when Tsunayoshi's mom introduced a tutor into his life, you knew your ordinary life was done for.

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