Bang Chan X Changbin

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Top: Bang Chan
Bottom: Changbin

✨A stressed Bang Chan✨

Bang Chan POV

I've been stressed with all of our new music videos like Maniac, the outfits, the sounds, etc. I haven't even been able to get some decent sleep since we also needed to make new episodes for 2 Kids Room, and we even have many interviews with different channel on YouTube and sometimes with fans on live streams. It's been quite stressful lately, to the point where I've been having a few bloody noses, some happening during one of our lives.
Since the members, and I got a vacation for the week since it's the second week of summer I decided to sleep in a bit.

Changbin POV

I've noticed Chan has been really stressed lately, so I thought maybe this vacation I shouldn't annoy him much, since of all of the stress that has been happening. I heard a knock on my door and a answered with a simple come in.

Changbin- Come in!!

Chan then entered the room and I waved and he just laughed at me. He then walked over to me and sat on the side of my bed. I gave him a confused look, while he just sat there looking around the room.

Bang Chan- Hey man. Thanks for always being with me during my stressful times.
Changbin- No problem! Did you need something's it's kind of late actually it's 12 am?

Chan then just patted my head and shook his head. He kissed my lips to my surprise, but I kissed back. He kissed my forehead as he laid down on my bed and signaled me to come closer. Once I got close enough he pulled me into a tight hug and he started playing with my hair. After closing my eyes, feeling his hand playing with my hair, and listening closely to his calm heartbeat. The room filled up with nothing but the sound of breathing, it was quite relaxing listening to the sound of silence. We then fell asleep in the slightly lit room from the nightlight in my room making it feel like we're outside with the moon shining over us, helping us dream of nothing but love.

Word count including this- 374

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