Bang Chan X Changbin

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Top: Bang Chan
Bottom: Changbin

🌸I love you but do you love me?🌸

Changbin POV
Hello, I'm Seo Changbin and my best friend is Bang Chan. We have been best friends for years ever since we were 6 years old. We would always have play dates at each others house, play board games, play tag, play hide and seek, color, and even sleep over sometimes. I have a secret though. I've had a crush on him for 9 years now (they're 16 so he likes him at 7 years old), but the only problem is that he likes someone else. His name is Hyunjin's crush Lee Felix. Today is also Chan's and mine anniversary for the day and month we've met and I got him a pair of shoes he's been eyeing for months now, a new leather jacket, and a card that I hand written.

Changbin: Hello Mrs. Bang!

Mrs. Bang: Hello Changbin!

Mrs. Bang: Oh is it already the anniversary?

Changbin: Mhm!

Mrs. Bang: Oh...I'm sorry but he's with Felix, but you can put the gift in his room darling!

Changbin: Oh. Alright thank you!

I went to Chan's room and placed it on his well arranged bed and walked out the house after saying bye to his mother, but since it's still 12 pm on a Saturday and my parents are out shopping I called my friend Hyunjin and asked if he wanted to come over and luckily he said yeah, now I don't have to spend the day alone. Once he got there he took off his shoes and we walked up to my room and watched Stranger Things because he's been trying to get me into the series.

Bang Chan POV
I've been hanging with Felix for the entire day until a notification went off on my phone.

!Anniversary for Changbin and I!

Once o read the notification Felix saw it and dragged me into Changbin's favorite designer brand and told me to find a gift for him. I looked at everything and a specific hoodie and pair of pants caught my eyes. It was a black hoodie with white sleeves and the pants were a pair of baggy blue jeans, therefore I bought both items and the hoodie I bought I made sure was a size bigger because he loved baggy clothes, once I bought it I went over to a jewelry store because I remember I promised him once we turned 16 I would buy us promise rings that stands for we will be with each other no matter what.

Felix: Damn Chan you going all out for Changbin huh?

Chan: I mean we were childhood friends so I want to go all out

I chose the Juyoyo Unique Moss Agate ring two of them, mine is blue while his was green.

I chose the Juyoyo Unique Moss Agate ring two of them, mine is blue while his was green

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One was 259$ and since I bought two which equaled 519$ total. And since I wanted to get something else I got both of us promise bracelets as well, and I settled on the Sun And Moon bracelets.

 And since I wanted to get something else I got both of us promise bracelets as well, and I settled on the Sun And Moon bracelets

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Both costed 42.44$, but all the money spent was all worth it if it was for Changbin, and once I finished I turned over to Felix with the bag the items were placed in and he had a shocked face. He then dragged me out the store and went on a whole rant.

Felix: Dude you must be in a serious friendship if you're getting promise rings and promise bracelets, since mostly couples get them, but can o be honest with you man?

Chan: Yeah of course mate


Changbin POV
I heard the doorbell ring and Hyunjin followed me because he wanted some water. Once I opened the door it was Chan and Felix. Chan was wearing the jacket I got him, I saw him hiding his hand but didn't think anything of it and let them inside. Felix's eyes immediately put all of his attention on Hyunjin who was getting a glass of water and then Chan grabbed my arm and took me to my room.

Chan: Close your eyes Binnie and hold out your left hand.

Changbin: Why specifically my left hand?

Chan: Just do it and close your eyes.

Once I held out my left hand and closed my eyes I felt something slip on my wrist and on my ring finger.

(If you didn't know it's recommended to wear a promise ring on your left and but you can wear it on your right, and you can wear it on any finger, but is often worn on the ring finger or middle finger. And usually if worn on the ring finger of the left hand it means a promise commitment and usually leads to an engagement, but I'm not going that far y'all)

Once he told me to open my eyes tears of joy started flowing down my cheeks as I hugged him. He also gave me an outfit, but what stood out to me was the hoodie. It smelt like Chan's cologne which was Versace Eros, since he knows I love his hoodies. And the he handed me a hand written letter that looked just like the one I wrote for him but it wasn't just a friendly letter...

To: Seo Changbin 🐷
From: Bang Chan 🐺

Dear my best friend Seo Changbin,
Thank you for being with me all these years, throughout my ups and downs, throughout every grade level, and throughout every moment I had that I've had struggles with. You are a truly loyal best friend I've ever met. I want you to know I never met someone so funny, loving, caring, committed, and optimistic than you! I am truly grateful for everything you do for me out of the kindness of your heart and I want you to know I will never leave you and I hope you will never leave me at all. When we were little we both promised each other we would never break a promise so I'm gonna fulfill a promise I made to you. At the age of 16 I would buy us promise rings, so as an anniversary gift for our friendship I want you to accept both of these items a promise ring and promise bracelet. As one more thing to finish off this letter, I want to ask.

Would you like to be my boyfriend Seo Changbin❤️?
- Bang Chan

Once I read that I jumped onto Chan and said yes repeatedly. Once we both calmed down we looked at each other and pecked each other's lips.

I'll make a part two on Hyunjin and Felix's side since they were kind of background characters in this

Word count including this: 1121

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